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The indigenous tribal people like the Maasai don't need anything from us - the Western people and that is a reason why they are chasing white women at Zanzibar or in Tanzania, hunting us as we would be the wild animals in the bush. Because there is nothing what they need from us. =
Quoted (blue bold text) from Instagram account 'masai_story'
Date of origin: 15.8.2024 
The link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-sM-VYKSNq/

"There is nothing us western people have that indigenous people like the Maasai need".

Exactly! Indigenous people like the Maasai don't need anything from us - Western people and that's why they are chasing white women at Zanzibar, hunting us as we would be the wild animals in the bush. Because there is nothing what they need from us. Is there really someone who can eat this kind of lie? That Maasai people don't need anything from us ? If they would not really need anything from us, they would not hunt us, what is simply not happening. Neither at Zanzibar nor in Tanzania. It's truth that they don't need almost anything from us. They disrespect all other people, so how they could need something from us. But still there is one thing what we have and what they want to have. THE MONEY. It's enough to want only this from us and they will not let us be. They will continue to hunt us because they want our money - the same as they continued to raid the cattle in the past because they wanted more cows. If it was not possible by the good way - it was possible by the violence. They don't care and they didn't care. Each one cow in Boma was a good cow, however it was obtained. And each one shilling in their pocket is a good shilling, however it is earned.

"They don't need our medicine". 

Many of those Maasais who didn't need our medicine are dead already. Because Maasais are simply not undeadly people. Many people are dying in the Maasai bush by different reasons and diseases are one of those, maybe the most common. If they would have a possibility to travel to Europe and get health care there, many of them would be still alive. Maasais are not any magical culture. There are many cultures in the world and its people can use different local sources as medicine. Not only the Maasai. Local medicine is used EVERYWHERE in less serious health issues and it can be effective  but it has its limits. The Maasai (as many other cultures around the world) can treat common issues, for example cold, flue, small skin injuries, mild digestive problems, erectile dysfunction or headache. But with more serious issues like Malaria, typhus, HIV, cancer, different bacterial and viral infections, heart or blood diseases, serious problems with guts, big skin injuries, lung inflammation, they - of course - need different medicine than that one from the bush. Otherwise they could die easily as everyone else who doesn't have an access  to the treatment. To believe that Maasais will help with everything if someone will be sick is VERY DANGEROUS.

Maasais are visiting local hospitals often, they trust doctors and  also for small issues they are running to the village and if they would be seriously sick and they would have that possibility - they would gladly travel to Europe to save their life. The same as "white Maasais" are doing. "White Maasais" are living in the bush but once they are seriously sick, they are flying immediately back to Europe to get the best health care as possible - knowing very  well that Maasais with their herbs from the bush will not help them with serious problems. I would like to know why "White Maasais" didn't change their passports for tanzanian one. One of the reason could be the possibility to access Western medicine and Western health care once they would be seriously sick. "White Maasai" would never let her child die in the middle of Maasai bush. In a critical situation she would certainly not rely on herbs from the Maasai. Then she would most likely stop talking nonsense about Maasais how they don't need our medicine and how they can fix everything in the bush. They can't.  

"They did not have diseases until European settlers brought them to their lands." 

Finally next serious European guilt. People from Europe infected until that moment immortal Maasai people by  diseases. Before European settlers came to their lands and brought them "diseases", they all were dying in age 105 years old or just only from snake bites or when lions ate them. What is this for the absurd sentence that Maasais before European people didn't have any diseases??? How then they were dying ? Maasais as everyone else were fighting with different diseases whole their history and yes, some diseases could be brought to Tanzania with colonialists, but to tell that before Maasais didn't have any disease ? It simply cannot be truth. Maasais didn't fall down from the Mars planet, without any diseases. The history of Maasais started long time ago they came to Tanzania and they were surrounded by many different people, they were meeting many different tribes, different cultures when they were following Nile river down to look for good conditions for cattle and they were meeting different bacteria and viruses on the way which were killing them. Until today Maasais are dying from different diseases, begging for the  vaccines developed by Western people.

"They know how to heal themselves with nature, they know how to fix broken bones. They can build their own houses, know where to find water and green grass for their cattle."

Maasais can heal themselves in the case of not serious healthy issues, as everyone else. Also European people living in rural areas and in the villages know to treat themselves in natural way. What that woman is thinking about Western people ? How silly and incompetent Western people  have to be in her eyes? Oh God ! Magically she survived  that terrible time in Europe amongst Western people and  only now she feels finally safe and happy next to Maasai ! To find  a Maasai  and to infiltrate to that culture is nothing else but a good destiny. Not everyone is that lucky. To live with them and among them is a privilege. 

We are nobody to that woman compared to the wonderful Maasai people, we Western people, all of us, we are not even people, we are inferior people, people of the second category. And why? Probably because we are white. Otherwise, I don't see any other similarities and relations between us - people living in Europe or in America. 

We come from different countries, we live in different environments, we practice different religions, we are different in richness and living standards vary. We are differently educated, we live in very different ways of life and we have very different history, different ancestors and different cultures and customs. We also differ on an individual level, because one culture, one sect or just one religion does not define and guide us. And what is the most important thing is that we can decide by ourselves. But for this lady, we all are exactly the same. But why? Nothing suggests that we all can be the same, until we are not members of one culture that sets the direction and turns people into a herd, where individuality means absolutely nothing and it's not even desirable. The Maasai are therefore the same because they are led by something bigger and stronger than they are  themselves. But white people are and must be different. Nothing defines their boundaries except  of those who are members  of the sects. 

Seeing and reading her channel, there is nothing they are wrong about and there is nothing bad that can be detected in their culture full of great, valuable and super capable people who knows completely everything and who are doing that "everything" in the best possible way. We Western people are nothing but garbage to that lady and still we are clapping the hands, following her like she would think something nice about Western world and its people.

If they know how to fix broken bones - it's again nothing unbelievable. To fix broken legs or arms is not any magic, it's not impossible. The question is how that leg or arm will look after that. I know a Maasai who had injury in childhood and how they fixed it at home in the Maasai bush? Somehow. Somehow he didn't die because of broken leg (but who did?), anyway his leg is not working anymore as it should work and the difference  between healthy leg and that broken one is visible, especially when he is trying to walk. He is now disable person forever, limited in the movement, in ability to walk long distances or in the ability to run and he also feels the pain in the broken leg, but yes, doctors from Maasai bush fixed it.

Can Maasai build their cottages? Yes. They can. Actually the women in tribe are doing that in that culture. Can Maasai build normal house? No. They need to hire Swahili people for it. So again, what is such incredible on making cottages from mud, cow shits and from  wooden sticks, almost for free, using only the sources around. And all that on the random ground which they have for free, they don't need to pay for it, it's enough to chose the place and built there the cottage. Every culture living in rural areas can build local houses typical for themselves. But it's truth not everywhere women are doing it. In beautiful Maasai culture the women are used for almost everything while the men are sitting in the bush, gossiping, eating and drinking. Again, clapping hands. This is exactly the life we western women need! To be cheap servants for men  in everything. What a dream.

And if the Maasai know where to find water and grass for their cattle ? Yes, they know ! It's amazing ! Nobody else knows where is the water and grass in his/her living area, only Maasai people know. Simply unbelievable. 

"They are not 'uneducated', they just don't need our western kind of education They don't need to know how to read and write in order to defend their cattle from lions. They just need to know how to use a spear." 

They need to know how to read and how to write TODAY as everyone else needs it. Otherwise not any good future is waiting for them, except of selling their bodies or being the thieves. Without ability to read and write they would have a problem to get normal and respectful job to secure their family by the money which EVERYONE today needs. In the past the inability to read and to write caused them many problems, for example with lands, where colonialists could easily lie to them or press them to sign contracts which were not advantageous for the Maasai. Everyone knows how education is important in today's world but influencers are spreading fairytales how Maasais today need more to know how to use the spear than to get an education. Spear? Today? For what? The question is about which Maasais is she talking actually and in which century is she living amongst them? I was living in the bush with Maasais for longer, but I have never ever seen a Maasai with the spear in the hand, protecting cattle. And lions? How many lions is possible to observe in the bush which is the home for Maasais beachboys chasing women at Zanzibar? Exactly zero. The most of warriors have never seen the lion in their entire life. In the past Maasais need to know how to use the spear, yes. To protect the cattle and the boma was the most important task of a warrior in the past. But past in gone and obviously it doesn't plan to come back as far. Today is the most important task of Maasai warrior to get the money. And for this task they needs to know how to write, how to read (at least) and they also need to speak a foreign language. We ALL are living today, not yesterday and Maasais are not any exception.  Who will not adapt the new situation - will simply die. It's a rule of the nature and Maasai are still living. What means that they have adapted and instead of playing in the bush with spears, they are at Zanzibar chasing white women. Using English, knowing how to read and write, what is required for ability to catch a white woman and get her money for them and their families  in the bush. Many of them were learning how to read and write and basics of English or Italian language directly at the beach and why? Because they needed it obviously much  more than spears. There is nearly nothing what Maasais can do with the spear today. Maybe to be models for photographers or maybe to play the theatre for white tourists who will after clap the hands and pay for it. 

"Would you know how to use that spear to defend your livelihood? Would you know how to find bees and honey?"

Nobody today - even not Maasai needs to know how to use the spear (except of Maasai living inside of the national parks). But no-one from the Maasais at Zanzibar has a home in national park with possibility to face the lion. Here is the article about regions in Tanzania where the Maasai beachboys are coming from https://maasaisbeachboys.blogspot.com/2024/08/where-are-you-from.html

 And yes, if I would need to use the spear, I would learn how to use it. As everyone else in need.

The story about the bees and honey in Maasai bush is a sad story and to admire Maasais for that is crazy. Western people are breeding the bees, protecting each single one piece of bee, building the special hives for the bees where the bees can live in safe environment, making honey for us. Western people don't need to go to the forest to find the bees there because they have bees and hives at home and that's why we don't need to look for it in the forest. All the work around the bees is precisely, not only manipulation with bees itself but also the way how to take a honey from the hives without any damages and mess, without destroying whole the hive. 

But what about Maasais? How they can find the bees and how they can get the honey? They can find the hive on the tree in very easy way. They can simply see it while they are walking across the forest regularly. They can inform each other by phone where the hive was seen. 

And how they can get the honey and what I saw not once in the bush? The hives which I saw in Tanzania were always high in the trees. What Maasais are doing then? They are climbing up to the tree, often in the night when the bees are sleeping and resting. If they are next to the hive finally, they put the fire inside of the hive. Normal open fire. Suddenly poor bees are flying out wildly, scared, desperate, not knowing what's happening, loosing orientation. And many of them are flying to the nocturnal sky burning alive and of course dying. Then after this cruel theatre when most of bees died, Maasais with the big machete will cut the whole hive, which will fall down on the ground where other Maasais (also children) are waiting for the honey. Then, directly there on the ground all of them are eating honey like the pigs. Everyone is dirty until ears from it. Why someone should admire the Maasai for this inhuman and extra-ordinary cruel way how to get the honey. I was pretty shocked always when I saw it. But, people are clapping hands because Maasai can find the poor bees. Yes, they can find the hive in the forest.. Unfortunately.

"Would you cherish nature and the words of your elders as guidance for your life?"

How Maasais cherish the nature we could see on the example how they can get the honey from the hive. Me personally I didn't see them to cherish anything expect of money and their culture. The sad story with bee is not the only one example about how they cherish the nature. Next example is how they are treating the snakes. Snakes are important as every other animal and we have to protect them. And of course some snakes are very dangerous for the people and nobody is happy to see such a snake near the house full of children. But people in  Australia are dealing also with venomous animals and they don't kill them for each costs, but they try to protect them. And Maasai ? What Maasai are doing ? They automatically without any thinking will kill each snake they will see, immediately and automatically. Every snake near the boma needs to die. And not every snake in Tanzania is dangerous for people, there are many snakes which are hurtless and useful. Can Maasai recognize them ? Are Maasai trying to learn about the snakes in effort to protect them? No. No way. They will kill each snake they will meet. Easy. Without any effort to understand more about snakes, their function in the nature. It's enough to observe them how they treat the dogs, stray dogs or their dogs, or cats. How dogs are really scared in the Maasai bush, to get closer to human? And why? Because Maasai cherish them? Certainly they don't. The only animals they are treating in nice way are animals they are giving them some kind of the profit. Animals which means money for them (cows, goat, sheep and chicken) or animals which can help them (donkeys). Here their love to the nature and its creatures is ending. Maasai at Zanzibar will throw the empty bottle from soda to the forest without any problem, laughing when someone complains about it.

And if we would cherish the words of our elders as guidance for our life? Who from Western people doesn't respect his/her parents or grandparents? And what our parents are doing if not giving us the guidance for our life? I don't understand why is she writing about such things, like it would be not normal for us - Western people - to respect parents and elders. From which kind of family she is - wondering how Maasais are great for obeying elders. Western people are in general doing the same, so I didn't get any point here. We also are obeying elders and our parents are  guiding us through the life, more or less. Only we have more freedom in the adult age - to decide freely what to do with our life.

"Would you agree to sacrifice some of your freedom for the sake of your community, your culture?"

Yes of course. If I would be a member of a sect which is abusing people and pressing the value and power of individual somewhere deep to non-existence, I would sacrifice some freedom for the sake of that sect. Many victims of the different sects in Europe were loosing personal freedom, also personal opinion and personal power of individual for the sake of the community. But Western people mostly don't like the sects because of the manipulation, pressure and abuse inside of such a community. The Maasai themselves are the biggest victims of their own culture where the community is thousands time more important than a person. If someone wants to live like that, in the strong sect which has the power to decide  everything, it's possible also in Europe. Mostly who wants to live such a life are people who don't like to be personally responsible for anything, also not for themselves and for their own life. They will better put responsibility on the shoulders of entire community.  


"Happy to be given the opportunity to go to tour in Switzerland in November, talking about my 12 years living amongst the Maasai."

It's crazy that someone in Switzerland invited her to talk about years living among the Maasai. They didn't read her posts and her speech ? How she disrespect Western people in very visible way? How she raises Maasai above others, especially above people from Western world. Now the only question with no exact answer is if she really believe in all what is she speaking about or she needs to speak in that way if she wants to have followers and enough visitors in her boma with ability to take money from them for  trips or for just a night in the cottage. 

The bush in Tanzania is magical and very beautiful place where to be, where to stay and I love that place from whole my heart but it's possible to promote the Maasai bush also in the real light, with all the dangers which are waiting there for us - white women. And it's also possible to promote Maasai culture as it is, with all the good things but also with all the bad or confusing things, why not. The bush will be still the same beautiful, only people would face a reality and can be ready for it. The life in illusion which this lady is creating can be dangerous. And at the end, it's only lie and nothing else. Why she needs to lie about Maasai culture and its people. Everyone will see reality sooner or later and she will become to be a liar in the eyes of many. She can be after years with Maasai so destroyed that she really lost the ability to see the things in real way and she started to be mad, or she knows everything with clean mind, only she needs to earn money and she thinks that good image of Maasai will prepare better environment for her business. However, the truth will come on the surface once, at least in the individual stories of those who were caught and cheated by the Maasai. There is nothing as beautiful Maasai culture anymore and I feel sorry for it. If nobody will stop the Maasai in doing crimes - it will be worse and worse each day and that culture known from the past will stop to exist.

Note: Those who are earning money on Maasai decided they will not provide  any space to react in discussion for people with different thinking. All the comments which don't fit well the thoughts of these influencers are immediately deleted and users who were writing it are blocked, without any explanation and without any sorry. It's not possible to disagree with anything these women are writing in their social media. Every single person with different opinion or experience who could disrupt the image of "beautiful Maasai culture" in comments is simply vaporized (George Orwell - 1984). They often also block the friends of "unwanted people", in advance - to be sure that no one (potentially threatening their business) will get a chance to react in comments. 

Each article on this blog which quotes influencers is here only due the absence of possibility to react at place of origin. And because influencers affect many people in decision what to think about the Maasai and if to feel safe among them (in the financial way, emotional way or physical way) - there has to be a place for open discussion, for warnings - just because the bad decision can lead an individual to the big personal lost in the life. All the text here written with black letters is only a reaction for posts about Maasais from different social media built on PERSONAL OPINION OR EXPERIENCE of our authors. Any comments in this blog will be not removed from here, even not such comments which are here by intention to beautify and to romanticize Maasai and its culture. Everyone can freely discuss here, under the article in comments. Thank you for understanding.


  1. Seriously ???? the lady is asking for remunerated cooperation from the white, rich and evil people who brought the diseases to Maasai land ???

    The foolishness of these white masai is really endless, first she writes that the masai don't need the western world and she lives with them proud of her lifestyle, (you have to accept the pros and cons always when you make such thoughtful choices) then suddenly she asks for help of any kind for the future ...ah yes she has a son and maybe she is not so crazy to not send him to school and offer him a decent future...but most of all she needs cash for daily groceries, sugar, oil, soap, wheat , rice etc.
    eh yes the white masai have to pay for groceries even for the cousin's brother who visits his mother and has to bring sugar and chai (tea) as a gift.

    All these things of course they are careful not to tell in their stories, but that is just how it is the masai are big extended families and it is customary to bring gifts when you go to a relative's mother usually sugar or a dress, or sarong.

    .I remember a girl who long time ago wrote a book about her life with her masai in Kenya and happiness with her baby girl she had from the great love of her life? Well do you know where they are now??? in Europe at her parents' house with her little daughter because they both had health problems get treatment in a hospital in Nairobi??? It takes a lot of money and especially not all chronic diseases are covered by health insurance....

    Diseases like HIV are really the maasai who are spreading them because they almost always have sex without a condom and they love Swahili prostitutes, many of them are infected you can imagine they go home to the bush they infect their masai wives and also their white masai.

    1. Go and look at her Instagram and look at all her posts there (and there are quite a lot of them). She contradicts herself in every second sentence, it is absolutely impossible to understand what that woman actually wants to say. She is telling something but when you are still going through her posts, soon you will hit something there what disproves more or less her speech before. It's like kind of hypocrisy. I also have the feeling that she is trying to convince herself that she is happy.. She tries so hard that it's very noticeable. I am not sure from all I read from her if she is satisfied or balanced with her life. It looks like more that she has to convince herself that she is actually living the best life as possible, while she knows that it is not like that. For us is simply not even possible to live a good life among Maasai. Maasai don't respect anyone who doesn't come from tribe and if they do so it's because of the exact reason. It's because that person is covering them by money again and again. All the pressure of universe in on her. Responsibility for many hungry necks. If she would stop to pay, she would see that love after so she simply can't to stop and she knows it. She got a depression because she felt so lonely and alone in the bush. But nothing has change. How ? Maasai are Maasai and they will not be different people just tomorrow only because some mzungu came to the bush :) This is naive to believe she can change them, she can't. And that's why she was alone there, she is alone there and she will stay alone there forever. And of course she just can't admit it and she can't face the reality. It could kill her to convince all that. I don't take her speech like a lie. I take it like the call of desperate woman who put all what she had on one card only and it was not that much great decision but it happened already and now she needs to flow, however hard and joyless it is, she has to. So all her speech has two meanings or purposes. One is that she really needs money so she is trying all the possible how to use Maasai for it and second - she needs to convince herself about her happy life with her family. She has to go through all that imbalance in the bush as she is a white person. Maasais don't need actually to be bad people not for themselves but they can't feel for anyone. They can tell you OH I AM VERY SORRY FOR YOU, but they don't feel it at all. It's only a sentence they learned how to use but they don't feel it. They don't feel any sorry for her in any situation she is inside and she has to know it and she has to face it often and she needs to feel it. I would never change my skin for that her. Never ever. It's possible to live the happy life in the bush if a white woman really wants, but FOR SURE NOT among the Maasai as a part of the family, because part of the family the white woman never will be. So the only chance how to live there happy life is to live there on your own. And to forget once and forever that you can be part of the Maasai family. This illusion will lead you in time to neverending and forever lasting depression. Of course you can make videos, pretend your happiness there but it will come a moment in the day, in the evening or in dreamless night when the reality will hit you badly. The reality of living with the tribe full of heartless and cruel savages. Her posts full of halftruths will not help her at the end.

    2. Surely the lady has incredible pressure, so many mouths to feed and bills to pay, to cover the costs of the whole tribe and her cardio fitness class in paje :) frankly I can say that they are very stupid white people giving her the money with the idea of helping the conservative who love indigenous people, while they are just paying for her and her son's zanzibar vacation and her cardio fitness classes :) posted on instagram by her friend :) where she will surely try as the masai do ... look around for white losers like her who will pay to go visit her masai village that you can do almost for free by going with any masai beach boy :) at least without paying exorbitant amounts of money.

    3. yes of course. She is living lont time with Maasai so the chance that they didn't teach her anything is really small :) They were teaching her a lot, obviously ;) How to use naive white people. They are professionals in it, and for sure they were teaching her all. How she said, it's enough to be quiet and observe all. Then you will know :) After 14 years with scammers she needs to become one of them, if not she would run away long time ago.

    4. “Being with the lame you learn to limp.”

      That's right all these women take the vices of the masai: drinking beer, having sex without a condom,riding a motorcycle without a helmet and in three, living by gimmicks, deceiving the stupid and naive white people...eh yes things have to be said properly by now even the stones know that it is just a big business and these white masai ask for money even during live broadcasts on tik tok, and fundraisers to sponsor their stays in Tanzania, the competition among these stupid white people starts to be felt are many and the money with the masai is never enough. ...just a week ago one of these mzungu went on the radio to tell her beautiful story full of lies with the only purpose of attracting new clients to her guest house and doing savannah tours with the locals, I wrote intentionally stupid because by now they all blocked me both on instagram and tik tok, spies talk talk talk talk and they don't know that soon they will have a bitter surprise in their backside.

      Some silliness this lady said on the radio:

      “the masai kept calling me after my trip to Zanzibar inviting me to their home, they immediately accepted me as one of their own, I am part of their family” you are not part of any family you only serve to feed this big tribe by buying sacks of rice and sugar, nothing more in return you get laid by a moran who is 30 years younger than you.

      “Maasai families keep calling me and asking when I'm going back to Tanzania, they say they miss me so much and can't wait to see me again, this pleases me immensely.”
      The masai lack money for groceries as usual, and you as usual as a usual fake say that the masai miss you to show that you have an adventurous and out-of-the-box life, but you know it's all a big fake.

      “ I am a travel designer I don't sell vacation packages, I offer a real genuine experience with local people but all safely” well here I burst out laughing :) WTF are you ???? a woman over 50 who has left her husband and children and to make a living for her toy boy and her family she has to daily open her wallet otherwise her big masai family will put her out of the boma.

      It is the usual act that is repeated in all the masai villages with all the white women, the yeyo making bracelets, they lend you the masai dress, they invite you to eat ugali with your hands, the child wants to take a picture with you...there is nothing new and nothing adventurous just an act that is repeated over and over again as long as the stupid white people will pay these bitches who sell package vacations in the savannah.

      All these white Maasai are trying all kinds of ways to advertise themselves and try to sell a trip to a Maasai village because you know the blanket is short and there are so many people who are cold.

      I purposely don't list the name of the white masai agency because I don't feel like being bothered by their masai pimps.

  2. Let's go back to the white masai foolishness that they love so much:

    lie No. 1 "the masai are no longer monogamous", the masai will always fuck anyone who happens to be in their hands without any problem or shame, many of them have at least one or two wives plus the white one who supports them.

    lie No. 2 female circumcision is forbidden ...it is true in Tanzania it is forbidden, but unfortunately it is still practiced in several masai villages, and all these white masai gloss over the issue when asked the question.

    lie no. 3 "the masai treat themselves with herbs", it is true but for their sexual problems certainly not if they have headaches or got malaria, I guarantee you they go to the Swahili doctor like we do when we are sick, or they scrounge the whites for medicines like paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen... ( both in Zanzibar and in the bush)

    lie no.4" when I met my masai on the beach in zanzibar he was neither married nor had children" , may I say that this is one of the biggest bullshit I have ever heard? A masai around 25 years old is already married and definitely has at least 2 children with a masai woman.

    The masai beach boys have an unspoken pact when a white woman asks them about another masai they tell them he is single and childless, rarely it may happen that a masai will come to you and tell you the whole truth about another masai you are dating : about how many wives he has children etc... with the sole purpose of catching you( he is aiming for your money too).

    If the betrayed masai will come to find out who has talked by having all his secrets uncovered (losing the white woman with the money) this form of betrayal will be paid with a very expensive fine at the masai court, basically the masai will bring to the masai chief the betrayer and in the end the one who talked will have to pay without ifs and buts....

    lie no.5 in Zanzibar there are fewer mosquitoes than in Europe, and malaria is almost nonexistent, granted that if one stays in zanzibar 5 days the probability of contracting malaria is almost zero, but try to go in April (rainy season) and see if mosquitoes are not there...
    Why is there a mosquito net in all houses and shacks even those of the poor?
    because in Zanzibar there are many mosquitos due to the humid climate and there is a risk of contracting malaria through a mosquito bite.

    Why disseminate such dangerous information?

    * all these lies and bullshit I read on the social pages of the masai's girlfriends
    Who use social media to make money with whitel people followers.

    Why are all these white Maasai coming to Europe to give birth and get treatment if everything is beautiful in Zanzibar or Tanzania?

    1. exactly as you write. It's sad but real. The bullshits on her instagram doesn't have anything common with reality, it's a fairytale which can destroy the life of people. How she decided to live - it's only her business and nothing else, but if once she is an influencer and with her speech she can put many people to the deadly danger - it's not only her own business anymore and she is responsible for it however she likes it or not.

  3. I gave this lady money for one of her crowfunding campaigns to help women (I hope she hasn't built herself a chalet with a swimming pool in the jungle!) In fact, I asked a Masai from her village and he told me that he knew nothing... (although it is also normal that nobody knows anything). I have seen another woman from Denmark with her loving Masai husband, also with crowfunding campaigns, to ‘help the community’ I am already suspicious. I will not give a dollar again to any of these white women ‘married’ to Masai. I would like to help the local Masai women, that my money would really help them and not for the pocket of the ‘Masai male’.

    1. Don't look at Maasai women like they are from different planet. They are completely from the Maasai tribe, living among their criminal husbands, fully support them. There is no big difference between the man and woman in Maasai bush in the way of humanity or moral values. They face like innocent, always smiling, very modest women but it's unfortunately not any truth. Most of them if not all would take you the last thing you have, your last bra ;))) and they would not feel any sorry for you. To see this, you need to live there for longer. It's not possible to notice this in 7 days at Zanzibar.

    2. Don't give to these kind of ladies anything. They will not use it for any community, they will use it ONLY for direct family of their Maasai husbands. Because these poor women are financially fully responsible for their husbands and whole his family - they have to make a lot of effort to collect enough money to be able to stay in the bush. Without feeding the Maasai with money, they would kick her out. So she has to. All money you are sending to her is going directly to her pocket and from this money she can have comfortable life plus she will not face the shame to be kicked out of her beloved family ;) once she would not pay. I am pretty sure that all money this lady is earning is going only to family members of her husband and for her. All the trips she is going etc. she can go for white money. What is for me the most disgusting thing on this is how this lady is telling BAD about western people in each sentence, how she is trying to convince all people that Western people are shits. Incapable and incompetent to live. She is trying to tell that we western people are not able to use herbs to heal us from mild healthy issues, what is simply not truth. That why people are not able to get the honey and similar nonsenses. But ! on other hand, white money are good enough for her, she doesn't have any problem to ask, to beg the money from those terrible Western people, who are ruining this planet. And who don't have any right even to live here. The way how this person is racist is incredible and she should just send her passport back to Germany. She is completely hypocrite and traitor of own people. She can be - it's her choice, but then she should be completely Maasai. Completely Tanzanian one. With Tanzanian passport and with no ability to go back to Europe without Visa. Your will to help Maasai women - you don't need to. They don't need your help, they only need the money because Maasai are obssesed by money. Otherwise they don't need anything. I wanted to help them not once. With education, with learning them craft, they were laughing. They don't want to work, their men don't want them to work also. They are happy in bush how they are. Beachboys are bringing a lot of dirty money into boma, so don't worry, they have enough money, I have never seen in my life hunger in Maasai bush . Never ever. They have good lifestyle in condition of Tanzania, they are very rich (in comparison to local people) and there is nothing what they really miss. But the obsession they feel for money is never-ending. Better focus on other communities in the world who really need the help and who will be really thankful for it. Maasais are able to kick your ass without any feeling for you, however you helped them in the past. They will forget on it in one second. Don't waste your energy and your money with the Maasai, They don't deserve it. It's today culture full of criminals and whole Maasai society is supporting them. Nobody in tribe complains once they have profit from it. Plus they have white strange mind limited women nearby who are able to do all possible to be able to fuck with them. :) so.. don't worry, Maasai are completely ok, they are not going to die so fast.. they adapted the situation well. :) because of lack of character and moral values, what is really very good ability for today's world. They don't have any limits how to use others and how to hurt others. Therefore they will survive without any problem :)

  4. hahaha, the truth is that I spend long periods of time in zanzibar and this story is the same as always. I have many friends there and I see them every day, how they take their ‘girlfriend’ to the airport and the next day they are with another one. End of the movie! When you spend a lot of time there, you see everything clearly. I always tell the girls to at least use a condom, as for the broken hearts? well, they'll have to see for themselves.

  5. The Danish lady that clown also does fundraisers and she doesn't know that her husband is already married and during the live broadcasts on tik tok she says that people are jealous of their great love without colors and boundaries because everyone asks her how come he has such a great wife and if he is with her only for the money :)) what a great insight!

    All these white masai as a welcome gift to the tribe always do a fundraiser for a well, or water facilities to bring water to the masai village, but be careful it is usually a facility that is only for one or two booms even though these assholes claim it as a collective help for the whole community, I can guarantee you I asked a masai and he told me he is from the same village and he told me that where he lives it does not reach, eventually these white masai from victims become perpetrators by making fun of their followers.
    Doing a fundraiser on wells is easy to raise money because it is a primary good and people are very sensitive on the subject even a few euros always make a pile....
    The lady is in zanzibar presenting her book again and fumba town at the library free admission.....WTF why should I pay to hear that sea of nonsense?
    In Europe we have libraries and books can be borrowed for free, if you want to read books about Africa read Kuki Gallman they are all written in English and you can really learn and feel good vibes.

    Today the masai writer in Paje got very upset with a white person who gave his son junk food chips and took the picture...but why doesn't he stay in kiteto if the bush is so beautiful??? what is he coming to zanzibar to do? to present his book to other chickens to pluck :)

    all the white masai followers write on instragram that they live a life full of consumerism and useless things, in the bush you live the real contact with nature..however after a week they all go back to their home :) or they go to zanzibar to present useless books like mosquitoes :)

    Between me and the masai there are no secrets, I know everything...and that's why I am so hated and feared so much that I have run my instagram profile among their white masai and I was also blocked by the beautiful German blonde to whom I never said anything bad about her, but you know kiwengwa rumors run fast the old masai whore number 1 immediately alerted the white masai.

  6. I see this German lady a lot in Paje with her son, eating chips. Which is normal there and everywhere else in the world (I don't think the child is fed on ugali and milk all the time). And she, of course, does everything in her power to feed her child. She wasn't born in the jungle and knows the shortages! I guess she just survives. I love French fries! As for the Danish woman, I hope she will be happy, as happy as the German woman with the child who eats Chips. As for crowfunding campaigns, well, think twice before you give money.


  7. The Danish lady always thinks she's at the rio de Janeiro carnival, while the German lady yesterday was asking on instagram if anyone wanted to buy dreamcatchers (useless and superfluous item, especially for a minimalist like her) made by her mother-in-law then in the evening she was posting again her sorrow towards the poor masai in Ngorongoro, and then again asking for help from the bad mzungu if they could bring her some things from the old continent, may they never be tampons : ) in Zanzibar they are so expensive ( I remember the first time I had gone to work they told me remember tampons, sunscreens and hair products are so expensive and hard to get) and in the savannah they are not there...
    heaven forbid she needs the consumerist things the mzungu use, then again to promote her book, in short this woman is a living contradiction... or you live like the Maasai and don't constantly break with the empty, consumerist life of white Europeans.

    Potato chips are the cheapest and easiest food to get in Zanzibar along with chapati, and hard boiled eggs, I really don't think the lady spends crazy amounts of money to give her son whole and healthy food, since it costs so much in Zanzibar and she if she sells dreamcatchers on instagram to followers while on vacation I don't think her finances are great, certain lies she can tell to people who don't live in Zanzibar and certain things ignores like the real price of food.

    The German beautiful on the other hand I remember that she did a crowdfunding for herself :)), basically she expressly said that the money was to support her life in Zanzibar, kind of like the Maasai do with white tourists, but she expressly and honestly said that if she has breakfast in 4-star hotels she turns the economy around, and when she goes to Tanzania she pays for the trip, food, hotel to the Maasai who accompany her : ))), some of her followers have expressly said their displeasure about giving money to sponsor her vacations and those of her Maasai lovers.
    I greatly appreciated her honesty.


  8. Excuse my ignorance, but are you saying these women, who have been living for years with the Maasai in their homes, married to them, supporting them and their families and everything, if they will not have enough money anymore, they would be kicked out of the family?! Even if they have a Maasai husband and children?!

    1. Of course, yes. Mzungus are not their real family. They are here only for paying, real family is in the bush and real family has black skin color. The child is only the guaranty that mzungu will not run away easily. Anyway, mzungu will understand all these quickly and she will do all possible always to get at least some money for them. Until rest of the life living in Savanah. Once she will stop - they would not feed her. Nobody from "Western world" can't fully understand the cruelty in their hearts and the level of usage. Selfishness and hypocrisy. But mzungu will not be without money. So this case is only a theory.. mzungu will not stay without money and Maasais know it very well :)

  9. Yes, it is all sadly true what is written in the blog, unfortunately there are women who despite are not rich in order not to lose their young Maasai lover go as far as crowdfinding in order to raise the money to go to the bush and face long and very onerous journeys, many times white people believe that these fundraisers are a purpose to help the Maasai family of their lover in reality little money comes to the women and children most of it is used to sponsor airline flights and life in the bush: food, phone credit, gasoline, guest houses, hotel stays, and the first gift the motorcycle that is essential for a moran who stays in the bush and lazes around all day.

    The new Polish white masai collected clothes for the boma children in order to buy the love of the masai family, I saw a Polish lady bring 40 pairs of children's slippers ( a gift from her friends) from Warsaw to Handeni and now she does 2 fundraisers at the same time one for school and one for food :))

    Money with the Masai is never enough, like food, clothes and water....

    Poor woman realized that without money her dear moran would run away at the speed of light.

    Ask any Swahili person how they think about these crowdfinding to help the Masai :)

    White children even if mulatto are always considered mzungu for the masai are just the gateway to Europe and a potential income in the future, not only with a child visas and permits are much easier to obtain in many countries.

    1. Yes, of course, where is no money - Maasai (not only the morran) would run away at the speed of light and of course all those desperate women trying to feed his family knows it very well. So they will do all possible effort for the Maasai until last breath and sad enough - for that last breath of that women nobody from the boma will feel any sorry at the end. This is the biggest cruelty I have ever seen in my life. How after usage the Maasai is throwing the mzungu to the trash, with him whole his family, whatever what and however long she was doing for him (for them). Never I saw such cruel people - nowhere in the world. And of course, capucino baby is a gateway for easier life in the future, they don't care about that child, they only care about advantages coming from that child... now or in the future. Maasais were used in the tribe as children by adults and that's why now they are using others seeing it as normal behavior. And it's completely ok if only the white women would finally open their eyes. But it looks like it's the run for long distance still, despite blog, despite the group on telegram, despite the page on Facebook, whatever. White women are very desperate nowdays and it's so sad. No self-love, no self-esteem, no self-respect, they are licking asses of Maasais for each cost.

  10. I'm sorry to say this but both the facebook page and the telegram group now have no meaning and help for women are filled to the brim with spies, masai, and masai girlfriends and stupid white masai ready to defend the masai tribe, so what are we talking about??? I just write here so that everyone can read and somehow understand the truth about the purpose these scammers/prostitutes have in zanzibar.

    The administrator should ban those who write in favor of the masai because it could put the still doubtful women in serious danger, today on the facebook page I read a story of a woman accusing those who fucked with the masai, while she is just a friend and the masai never asked her for money, pure disinterested friendship, in fact the masai paid for her :)) I DON'T BELIEVE IT EVEN IF I SEE IT!

    In this woman's blog there are written a lot of nonsense like that she taught the macarena to the masai, that in zanzibar she always felt safe after she was adopted by her masai family who were her bodyguards, that her evenings were always with them, that zanzibar is not a dangerous destination etc...not even one month in zanzibar and she knows everything...these are the people who disseminate dangerous information!

    Not forgetting all that tear-jerking stuff about the masai in Ngorongoro, I think that's enough pages where white women can incense the masai culture, at least this facebook page that stays open to tell the truth about the masai in zanzibar.

    The truth about unfiltered zanzibar is posted on the facebook page crime alert Zanzibar where I found the link to this blog, unfortunately it is a page followed only by residents and not to first-time vacationers.


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Beachboys are chronic liars, they lie daily, it's their daily routine and many times they don't even know they are lying. Beachboy is lying automatically, not only in the case of getting advantages, but also just without any reason. The only thing you could call "exception" is, when beachboy is going to loose you because you found the truth about him. In this case - telling you truth (at least partly, as you will never know the whole truth) is the last attempt not to lose you in critical situation. This step (to use an emergency brake) is the last option and this only happens if other ways were already applied without any success. Here we collected 11 very common lies which you will face with a maasai beachboy:  LIE NR. 1: HE NEVER HAD SEX WITH SWAHILI WOMAN This lie you will hear in the very beginning. Beachboys already know, that white women are scared because of sexual transmitted diseases. And because they really don't like to use condoms, they will try to con


  Based on some comments and apparently mistaken reactions to our blog, I have to put things in right way . THIS IS NOT A BLOG ABOUT SEX TOURISM. THIS IS NOT A BLOG ABOUT OLD WOMEN FROM EUROPE COMING TO ZANZIBAR, LOOKING FOR SEX OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SURE there are white women who come to Zanzibar just to fuck with black young men . But this blog is not for them and is not about them. THIS IS NOT A STORY ABOUT SEX-TOURISM. This blog is about the abuse of LOVE, about abuse of TRUST. About the abuse of women's feelings by the Maasai beachboys. About the lies we women are fed by in the name of love. This blog is about an UNFAIR GAME which is played on us at Zanzibar. If a beachboy needs money and has a young and still powerful body, let him earn money like that. We have no problem with this kind of job and they can make good money and EVERYONE WILL BE SATISFIED !!!! EVERYONE. But it must to be clearly said BEFORE every action. There will be satisfied customers (women) who are looking f