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Maasai have a very complex and for understanding very difficult system in which the entire community is managed. To understand how exactly this system is working, all those tiny details and connections existing there, is not easy. Especially not for people who are not Maasais. Many things around Maasai can be misunderstood or confusing, that's why in this text some basic rules and structures existing in the tribe will be explained as much as we understand it. The reason why people should be informed more deeply about Maasai  culture is to understand how big power the Maasai community has (or could have) especially on the behavior of its members.

Let's start with some expressions which can be heard:

AGE-GROUP: This means the people who were born in the (or around) same year. Many times people think that AGE-GROUP and AGE-SET is the same. If Maasais are from the same AGE-GROUP it doesn't mean they are automatically also in same AGE-SET. 

AGE-SET: Maasai system and whole the hierarchy in the tribe is built on the system of AGE-SETs (life stages) but Maasais are not the only tribe with AGE-SET system in Africa. To explain what is the AGE-SET can be more difficult. AGE-SET is connected to the biggest ceremony Eunoto. To be in the same AGE-SET means to change the social status in the Maasai community together during the each big ceremony (Eunoto) which is happening approximately once in a decade. The time of changing status doesn't need to be dependent automatically on certain age but on day when young Maasai boys started to join the ceremony of initiation. People wrongly think it's about the age, but not always. The same age-group doesn't automatically mean same age-set. Here an example for better understanding:

If two Maasais are 27 years old - one of them is still in life stage of "warrior" while second one is already "young elder". It's because someone will go through ceremony of initiation which will transfer his social status in age 12 and someone in age 20. It depends on the father's decision, which time in which age his son will join the ceremony changing his social status in the community for starting to be "morran(warrior)". Mostly the families without a member who is warrior are in  hurry. Each family needs "a warrior", that's why those who have only small sons are sending them to ceremony earlier. Younger brothers in the family can join the ceremony much later once some warriors are already in the family. 

Here's the example I found how it's working in community of Samburu Maasais in Kenya. The  AGE-SET system is there the same. The dates can be different but with this example it will be more easier to understand what AGE-SET means. The name of AGE-SET "Laji" is describing that AGE-SET through one word. It's like short definition for what was that specific AGE-SET significant or memorable.

Laji: Salkanya             Approx. date 1739-1753 

Laji: Uandero              Approx. date 1753-1767 

Laji: Kipslat              Approx. date 1767-1781 

Laji: Meishopo             Approx. date 1781-1795


"Laji" is defined by the name in memory what was typical for exact Age-set. For example the term “Uandero” meant “those who failed.” The information was added to know that it was during the period of this Laji that the herders became poor after losing much of their livestock to a severe drought as well as to disease. In the days of the Kipsilat ancestors successfully bred white goats as they recovered from hard times. Through the system of AGE-SETs is known for next generations what important happened during that time of lasting it. Current AGE-SET in Tanzania should be called "those who destroyed the Maasai culture" or "those who took a pride of Maasai away". I think there are many things which define current AGE-SET. And no name for current "laji" would be nice. Maasais as the culture, as the community and as the society - they know very well what's wrong and whom to judge for it. But money they are getting from beachboys have such a power, that they don't hesitate to sell own culture, own pride and own values. How sad, isn't it? Current AGE-SET and also the generation before doesn't hesitate to disappoint their own ancestors, just for money. For dirty money. But Maasai as a community isn't powerless. They can do a lot, only they need to want.

Before the Maasais believed that dirty money will put the curse on their owners and also on the family. And they didn't like it because they were scared from God's punishment. It's also the reason why every member of the tribe had to participate on the important ceremonies and rituals in the past, because they believed in common guilt. Rituals were the important part of life among the Maasai, which had spiritual meaning. They beg the Gods through it to give them good year, good weather, green grass, no disease, no disasters etcc. Now the Maasai obviously lost this belief completely because they are doing inhuman things just for having dirty money and they don't care about the consequences it could have.

Each "Laji" (age-set) attains "lmurrano" (warrior status) in day of initiation and the most strict and necessary condition for it is that new generation which attends the initial ceremony Eunoto needs to be circumcised. The preparation for the Eunoto ceremony takes a lot of time, few months at least - everything has to be prepared well and the guys have to think about circumcision in advance because healing will also take some time. The ceremony is an initiation for young boys becoming the warriors but also others will automatically change their  social status that day. For example current warriors will transfer into next stage of life called in general "elderhood" and they will become to be "young elders". After next decade at time of next ceremony they will continue in social progress when they will become to be "senior elders".  

The exact day of ceremony is not known and it's no the same day each time. Mostly only the year is known but not exact day. The presence of a person on ceremony is welcomed but not necessary - for those who will not personally join the ceremony - their social status will change automatically depends on their current social position in the tribe. If they really can't participate it doesn't matter. It will happen in each case.  

Despite the fact that elderhood has a lot of advantages (bigger respect and bigger power in doing decisions), the day when the warriors will change their status for elders is a black day in world of each Maasai. The life of full freedom and with minimum responsibilities in the community will end. The warriorhood is the stage of life every Maasai is waiting for and looking forward to it. 

SECTIONS: Maasai in Tanzania are divided into four sections (Il-Oshon)

Parakuyo, Great Purko, Great Kisongo and Loita. For example in Kenya there is only one section "Samburu". At Zanzibar are mostly the Maasais from two sections, Parakuyo and Kisongo. 

"A section is addressed to as 'Olosho laang', what means "our people".  Members of a section may not necessarily understand their section's boundaries. They only do so through unity and strength exhibited in tribal rituals and institutions". 

There are small differences in the rules for each section. "Sections some as big as the country Rwanda, by large, have been created as sphere of influence of one major customary institution of the Maasai. This distribution of both human and natural resources has been influenced by this institution rather than by the people themselves. Within a section, there are numerous administrative units - localities. The creation of these localities is based on social and ecological consideration". 

LOCALITY: "Unlike a section, a locality is referred to as engop aang', "our land". On the basis of language the Maasai too, have the notion "my land"; engop aai', in practice of saying "our land". The locality as "our land", forms the basis for common property resources management. Pastoral ecosystem demands wet and dry seasons grazing. Wet season grazing has one major resource not found in the latter, and that is saltlick; while the dry season grazing normally located in highlands, plateaus or areas near to rivers with high or medium potentials has more pastures". 

Both sections and localities in their own being are independent and autonomous of each other. 

INSTITUTIONS: The institutions manage common property resources. It's difficult to isolate the role and function of one particular institution from the other.

The institution of "ERRAMATARE"

This institution means the management of everything. The Maasais manage through this institution conflict solving, rituals, ceremonies and also natural resources. The main point of this institution is defined as the good and well being for the people, cattle, land and natural resources.

The institution of "OLOIBONI" 

In the institution of "Oloiboni" has a community someone like the prophet. He is not political, but ceremonial and symbolic head of a section having patriotic, spiritual and religious duties to a community. He represents the unity of the people, deriving his divinity from the people's will. In the fact it's the institution serving real human needs. This institution can be seeing in two main aspects:

1.) Oloiboni le-Meputo - private practitioner commonly found in all African cultures

2.) Oloiboni Oputo - controlling common property and human resources on the will of the people, controlling the unit contain as many as 200 000 people.

The institution of "OLOIGWANANI"

The locality for this institution is the unit of about 20 000 people. The person of "Oloigwanani" is the leader of a youth and it is an official, very important and widely respected and needed function. This person is precisely selected on the base of integrity and not eloquence and must meet overall impeccable conditions. Not only his person himself, but also his entire extended family. This function doesn't mean any luck for its owner. It's something what nobody wants to do - but it's needed. If this person for this role will be chosen - there is no way how to go out of it for him, most likely he needs to accept that offer. It's some kind of pride for his family, but for himself it's stressful function. Who decide about the person of "Olaigwanani" are elders. 

Here are the words spoken by the elders when naming this institution:

"Our child lead us, Drop us not, hate no one, You should not have a distant and closer child, All should be equal before you, Be equally helpful to the old, the young and the poor, Side with elders, who are people of wisdom and peace, Here is the power (natural and human resources) that we bestow on you and entrust to you, Everyone and everything will now depend on you"

His main responsibilities are as follow:

- a linkage between elders, the "Oloiboni" institution, warriors and the entire community in the Locality

leader of a community delegation to the Oloiboni to bring the good and well being to the community and their natural resources

- ceremonial leader during rites of passage (initiation rituals) for his age-mates

- a linkage between his community and the larger Maasai community in the Section

- appointment of his assistants - "Ingopir" at sub-localities, which are units comprising about 5,000 people

- organization of meetings to ensure the well-being of the locality - "Erramatare". 

Note: On the person of "OLOIGWANANI" is very visible the moral and cultural decline of the Maasai. As a leader of warriors, this person has to be proven as BLAMELESS,  morally clean, honorable, spotless, with a deep and strong character. Not only him but also his direct family members. This person presents the pattern of desirable behavior for youth. He is like a master piece - everyone should follow him, copy his behavior and respect him. He should be the best from the best in way of moral values, character and non-spoiled behavior. Honest, wise and strong young man. It supposed to be like that. But the reality of today? This person can do at Zanzibar the same things as other beachboys are doing. He can date the mzungu, he can fuck for money and he can use white ladies for his advantages, all this in the situation when he is already married in the bush, with a Maasai woman, having own children there. Still he can be a prostitute at Zanzibar, fucking white ladies and nobody cares. Nobody complains. Then what to expect from other warriors ? If their idol is doing the same crimes, same sins ? This person can do what other beachboys are doing - then who from them will not ? In the past something like this would be not possible. The community would go very loudly against it. But today - there is no problem for a person in such a high function inside of tribe - to hunt white ladies at Zanzibar. How is this possible ? Why nobody complains ? Why such a behavior can be accepted and tolerated ? Because of dirty money. Nothing has today bigger value for the Maasai than money. Even not old habits, cultural heritage and pride. There is no pride among Maasai people today. Not anymore. Everyone with money can buy this people for very cheap price. Each of them can be sold for few shillings, also the moral leader. 

The institution of "OLMORAANI" / Warriorhood

If community itself or the common property resources (pastures or livestock) is in the danger then this institution is employed to scare away the strangers or invaders or to find the cattle that have been taken away. Warriors, young Maasai men, act as protectors of society but in the past these young circumcised male youth were those who were also raiding and stealing foreign cattle. 

The institution of "IL-PAYIANI" / Elderhood

Maasais don't lead the community through the one highest political leader like president or dictator. Instead of that they are leading the community through the elders who are coming from the different age-sets (different generations). Maybe it's more appropriate to compare the system of leading in Maasai tribe to the some kind of parliament.  

These elders are considered to be much wiser and holier than most of today's younger Maasai from the "junior elders" age set. With higher age the respect of a person in Maasai community is increasing.

"The essential social function of these elders is to discern the right order of things, and to guide their society along the path of truth and right."

"This is done by looking back at how things were, in relation to how things are now, and how they should be. This is not done by individuals in isolation; it is a collective exercise involving much discussion, while reaching for consensus."

The elders thus function as the protectors of the traditional culture values which has enabled the people not only to survive but to become what they have been in the best of times, to establish what they should be now, and to promote what they should become in the future (Hillman, E. 1991).

The institution of elderhood, therefore, oversees the work done by the aforesaid institutions by giving guidance. It is the most effective institution for conflict resolutions.

"The institution of elderhood has two scenarios - active elders commonly known as "Five-stick fathers; "Il-payiani lo Olprron"; who are active sponsoring an age-group for a period of about 20 years before an age group becomes a generation. The other scenario is that of retired elders having sponsored their generation next of kin. Participation of these retired elders in public life is minimal, and only when they are called for to intervene in a particular issue."

The institution of "OLAMAL"

This institution represents kind of commission that goes around in the locality to mobilize people and resources for a particular objective. It goes beyond the border of locality to meet other Maasai social groups mostly with the goal to bring well-doing to its own social group.

This institution is under the leadership of "Olaigwanani" and "Fire-stick fathers". Something similar exists also for  women but we don't have any additional knowledge about it, it is called "Olamal lo Indomonok".

The institution of "EUNOTO" and "OLNG'EHERR"

"These two institutions involve rituals celebrated at Sectional level approximately in every 10 years (a decade). Apart from Greater Kisongo and Parakuyo Sections, these rituals are celebrated at locality levels in other sections." 

"Eunoto" and "Olng'eherr" rituals are comparable to "confirmation" and "ordination to priesthood" well known in the Christianity. . It takes a lot of time for preparation to it, commonly more than 3 months.

"These rituals held every ten years from one ritual to another and once for every age-set, constitute one of the community common property resources management institutions: First, because they are the section "policy makers" or "supreme organs", and secondly since they involve "Fire-stick fathers", do guide the society." 

The institution of "ENGIGWANA"

"All the above customary institutions are conducted through meetings where the community meets, talks and discusses before reaching a consensus. Such meetings, "Ingigwanaat; are conducted by looking back at how things were, in relation to how things are now, and how they should be."

"First, is the pervasive quality of leadership. The "FirstStick Fathers; the Oloigwanani and the Oloiboni are all a core of leadership which is very inspirational to the warriors who they lead through different rites of passage. Secondly, it underlines specific doctrines and practices that are unifying concepts in the people's belief."

"The age-grade, for example, is a fulfilment of "humanism" and "wholeness". Through alternating age-grade system, "Fire-Stick Fathers" give vitality and continuity to the incoming young generations."


As you can see - the Maasais have exact rules  and very strict system of leading. Nobody from those living in the bush is out of the community and nobody has completely free will to do whatever and however he wants. The Maasais as a culture definitely have all the power to stop the beachboys from tribe of Maasai to perform the crimes on the other societies. If the will would be there - Maasais beachboys would be stopped by the culture itself from decision of elders. Maasais theoretically also have the power to stop current AGE-SET in their function before the expected time-lapse will end if it will be visible that something is going in wrong direction. But once it's only about the crimes on white women - they really don't care and they are laughing. If the beachboys would start to be such mean and they would start to disrespect elders, the community would start to act immediately. They just have that power. But obviously nobody from inside is complaining about the crimes that young Maasais are doing therefore they will not act in way to stop them. And if not completely, than at least in majority of cases, they would stop because they have to obey the rules, they have to accept and admit the results of the Maasai courts leading by elders. But... reality is different, and not only that this is not happening (the Maasai  community is not trying to stop beachboys), instead of it, beachboys with all the crimes against others (mostly white women) are supported by whole the Maasai society. There is no effort from inside to stop them or put them to  face the Maasai law because of this issue. Elders who are leading the Maasais tribe are exactly those who profit from the beachboys behavior. There is no will and the Maasai  (elders and the main institutions) are happy for that, because the activities of beachboys today represent the biggest part of their financial income. The person represents the president of Ereto doesn't not care at all and he agrees with the behavior of Maasai at Zanzibar. His own opinion is "want the white whores to  fuck ? Then they need to pay for it". This in short is the opinion of Maasai leaders. They don't know  what love is, they don't know what relationship is, that's why all they can see behind is the sex. They probably still didn't understand that in the most of serious relationships the sex is only the part of intimacy between two people who love each-other but not the goal or intention of having relationship. Each try to explain this to those people is pure wasting of time, they will never understand, because they see others in same way as they see themselves. The Maasai have very free sexual life (the men especially), so they see us also in that way.

IN SHORT: The Maasai culture has all power to stop beachboys but they simply don't want because of own benefits. Beachboys and the Maasai culture is directly and deeply connected.  That's why Maasais are not typical beachboys as everyone else in the world, they can use that culture to hide their intention.  

Maasais are simply not just random individuals you can meet somewhere on the beach (as other beachboys around the world are). Maasais are the members of strong old ancient culture which exists until today. Many people (the most of people) don't really know how big and strong influence that culture has on its members. There is nothing inside what is happening randomly or accidentally. Every single thing there has for Maasais exact sense and exact meaning. The people there are acting in exact way, under exact pressure or tense and nothing is spontaneous there. Everything is rehearsed, planned in advance into smallest details and, last but not least, very expected.

And why that culture is that powerful and why all the Maasis are such obeying people? Without any free will and without any freedom in decisions for their own life? The answer is valid for all human livings in here at this planet, not only for the Maasai:

Don't forget that situation of the Maasai is difficult. Not only now, but for sure also in the past. They came to Tanzania as strangers. They started to raid the cattle. Nobody there liked them. Out of their homes (bomas) they were in the danger. Only inside they could feel safe and the safety is very important thing for human happiness, it's basic human need and the tool for our personal or communal satisfaction. It's simple psychology, this principle is working the same also in the sects around the world, not only among cultures. How you will press people to follow the sect or its leader ?  Easily. You will offer them (as a culture, as a sect, as a dictator), the protection and the safe place for living. It will work. It's the most important and powerful motivation which is leading us. To feel safe. To feel accepted and respected, to feel a part of something stronger and bigger. Those from us who don't have it - we are more likely potential victims of manipulation (sect, culture, dictator or religion), whatever.. Because we all are looking for the same thing around and around. Today in the same way as yesterday and as tomorrow. Forever. 

Look at Maasai today. How they feel in Tanzania, in their own land where nobody really respect them and where the government is doing actually whatever they want, without asking Maasai for their opinion. Look today at the conflicts, how the government is trying to force them leave the land they were living there for long. To be a Maasai at Zanzibar is even worse, it's a real disaster. Really nobody there (expect of white people who don't know who Maasai are) like them. Where to hide in the dangerous  world around ? Inside of the sect or inside of the own society which will stay behind each single one individual. For the Maasai - each member is important in same way in foreign world and they feel to protect that person for each costs. They also protect criminals, once they are from the tribe of Maasai. That's why to be a Maasai is very important and nobody of them will risk to be sent out of the community - which represents the only security in the life they have. This is exactly what Maasai culture is giving to its members. If nothing else than protection and feeling to be accepted and safe. And it's not a little, it's a lot! That's why Maasai are, will and were following all the rules which that culture dictates them and they never rebel against it. That culture is the only thing they ever had.

In the past but also today in these indigenous communities - to be pushed or sent out of the borders of society or  culture is the biggest possible punishment of a member and the biggest nightmare of their life. They can live happily  without the leg, or blind or sick, or hungry, but not without that culture. To be expelled would be the end of their world for them, end of everything they know, end of their existence. It would be worse situation than death itself.  Exactly that's why Maasai will obey everything what the culture asks from them and that's why that culture has so incredible power to lead all its members. They would obey also to stop to be beachboys, prostitutes and criminals, people without any pride, if culture would ask for it. But culture doesn't care. That culture doesn't ask to stop. Culture supports it - because to steal a money from someone else (mzungu) means - to send money home to the boma. What is warmly welcomed and highly appreciated. The beachboys are valued and honored for bringing money home and nobody in culture really cares where that money come from. 

Anyway... That culture definitely has a power to manage the behavior of ALL THEIR MEMBERS if elders would want. As was mentioned here already - sin or injustice committed on mzungu is no sin and no judgement for it is possible in the tribe. Nobody really will tell a word against it loudly, money is money and each mzungu is no-one else than stranger - actually with very limited rights (or most likely without any rights in the culture). This is the thinking of ancient old cultures and its people. I don't mention it because I want to judge Maasai culture. I don't care about their culture. I mention it because we have to understand that our position is not ideal and never will be - once we are not Maasai. And despite the fact that many mzungus are wearing Maasai clothes and Maasai jewelry - no one of them is a Maasai for the Maasai people. They can act and pretend but they don't feel it. The Maasai are the biggest racists I have ever met in my life but, in some magical way nobody noticed it that much. Weird, isn't it? They are the biggest racists because others out of their community are not taken as people with the same rights as the Maasai. Not at Maasai court, not in the boma. Not in the way of marriage and not in the way of responsibility. Maasai feel responsibility for themselves and for their families but never ever for a white woman. It's not possible to be a white Maasai - and however many mzungus think they are "white Maasais", it's only an illusion. They are not any "white Maasais", they were not and they never will be, even not after 20 years of living there. You can help them as much as you want, you can buy them half of Kiberashi, you can give them brown children - you will be never a Maasai and they will never take you as real part of their family, they will only take you as the tool of their daily income, the tool for  easier life in the bush. If Maasai will marry the mzungu - it will not be counted. Only what is acceptable is to marry a Maasai girl. Otherwise Maasai is not married also if he will maried 10 white women. Once he is not married with a Maasai woman - the marriage doesn't have any value and they are not taken as men. The purpose of white woman is not to be a wife of  Maasai, even not to be a mother of his children. The purpose is to pay. Everything what they need, everything they will ask for. Not only for Maasai "husband", but also for all his Maasai wives, children, parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents and other clan members. And once you will stop to pay, you will stop to giving them - you will stop to exist for them, easily and very quickly, what cannot happen to their real family members. Maasai will not accept any mzungu but they can tolerate her until she is paying the costs for their life. Maasais will never leave each-other, not really and not easily, but they will leave the mzungu without ANY problem from one second to other one. And why? Because we will never be real members of their families, only temporary and only by one purpose. There is nothing like unconditional love to a mzungu. Just an obligation to pay for their bills. And after that - taisere. Sad bud real - count with it in advance and they will be not able to hurt you. 

As it's written here, Maasai have the power to change the way where the tribe is going. This age-set which has the power today is a big shame. What the Maasai can do - they can stop this age-set sooner. They can do it - the decision of elders would be enough. If the elders would decide that this age-set is a shame and it will not last as normal, for decade but they will stop it before its time - this  kind  of action would have a big moral influence on the behavior of new generation. But once nothing will happen to criminals inside of the community and instead they will be respected for having stolen money, they will never stop. Why they should ? People are weak today, hungry for money and tribe of the Maasai is not any exception.

But despite all, the situation with Maasai is not desperate. Maybe for them but not for us. Because it's in our hands. If the mzungu will not allow them to use her, they can't do anything. They will not aim the gun on your head, they won't kidnap you  from the street, or from the beach. Once you will be informed about who they are and what they want from you, you can decide to stop them. You can decide yourself if they will hurt you or not. What is good actually. We are not powerless with Maasai, only thing which is needed in this case is to be informed and to have not basic but advanced knowledge about them, about this dirty business and also about the culture which have bigger influence on them as you think. They are very dangerous for us but only if we will let them to be dangerous. Don't let them to be and everything will be fine. They will try a lot to take you everything but there is not too much what they can do if you will not want. They don't have any power to ruin your life without your participation. Be informed and protect your money, your family, your health and your life. Help us to take our pride back and don't allow that African gypsies can ruin your life.


  1. I have to tell the truth their strength is solidarity!

    No masai even the poorest and most unfortunate will always find someone who will help him you can get to Zanzibar, without money, home, job, without speaking a word of English you will always find some masai who will try to help you in every way, even those who have fallen into disgrace and alcoholics no longer very young will meet a young moran who will take care of him, they will do the lousy masai market on the beach and share the food, the old man knows English and translates for the young moran who with his loveliness attracts white women to buy their bracelets, you see them right away the inexperienced young moran uses the old baba as a translator, and the old man's eyes lost in nothingness as all the money flown away in alcohol, discos and Swahili prostitute.

    1. Yes. It's truth. They hold together no matter what. Maasai is never lonely at Zanzibar once he is a Maasai and never hungry. Others will take care about him, also if he would be drunker or drug addicted, also if he would be thief, also if he would rape someone, whatever, they will always take care about a Maasai at Zanzibar, they hold together for each costs, because nobody in this universe is for them more than a Maasai. BUT ... in the bush, the situation is not that pink. They envy. They hate each other for having more one cow. They are jealous to see someone has a rich mzungu. In their heart, they can't wish others success. Such beautiful people they are. Always envying. They envy everything, 24/7, it has to be terrible - to live like that. So... Maasai is always SOMEONE else, depends on situation and circumstances. Who is Maasai for mzungu ? A parasite. Who is Maasai for his Maasai family ? That one who takes care. Who is a Maasai for other Maasai at Zanzibar ? A God. Who is Maasai for other Maasai at bush? The rival in success and wealth. Who is Maasai at Zanzibar ? Criminal. Who is that same Maasai in the bush? Member of beautiful people. They are changing color depends on from which ankle you are looking at them. But for sure at Zanzibar and also somewhere in Europe for example, they hold together, because they feel the connection to each other, they feel like one family. But in the bush, their relationship between clans, and also inside one clan are really not very nice. Strange, isn't it ?

    2. This is also something some of them admit, that they hold together in front of others, but in the bush the situation is very different and it's rife with jealousy and pettiness.
      Anyway, a culture built on mutilating children, treating women worse than cattle and worshipping criminals for their money is not worth surviving, so I hope it will die a quick death.

    3. I hope in same. Such as rotten culture has no right to survive

  2. Is there any way to avoid them on the beach? Knowing what their role is in Zanzibar I dont want to talk to them or have contact.

    1. It will happen sooner or later. In Kenya it had already happened and Maasais can't be at beach anymore, because the situation was the same. And Kenya is still their own country. Zanzibar also but only formally . Locals at Zanzibar take Maasais as strangers. It's a question of time while Maasais will be not able to be at beach anymore. Because they will not stop with what they are doing and once will come a day when a level of prostitution of Maasais at beach will be not acceptable anymore. And also a day when they will kill a mzungu will be their last day at Zanzibar in such an extend, I hope so. Sometimes police cleaned the village like Nungwi from Maasai for couple of days and it was completely different island without them. Peace and harmony. They are very annoying and each year more and more aggressive and brave in crimes. I believe it will end once.

    2. Just ignore them on the beach or anywhere, no matter what they say don't engage and mind your business, and if they insist give them a bad look without saying anything. After a while they will know you as a "bitch" and they will stop trying.
      I've been living in Znz for a while and this is what I do, now most of them leave me alone (of course they still call me names and talk bullshit about me, but I don't care).

    3. yes. The most sad thing is that the solution is actually very easy in case with Maasai scammers. Ignore them and that's all. They will let you be. Your reputation will go through all of them very quickly. They will talk bad about you but that's all. Nothing more what they can do. So many destroyed lives and so easy solution. They will let you be once you will ignore them. Everyone of them will quickly know there is no chance with you to get money. Therefore you will lost a value for them and they will lost interest in you immediately. As a reward you will get the possibility to walk the beaches without disturbing . Freely :) They will ignore you for sure. Looking at you with a disrespect but you will survive that. Much better than to be in interaction with just one of them, it's always a big disaster, in long term.

    4. Well I'm also looking at them with disgust (because I'm honestly disgusted), so we are even :)). I know they call me all sorts of names, claiming I'm sleeping with every man on the island, also saying I'm poor so there is no use to try (like they didn't try hundreds of times before realizing it's all for nothing). It makes me laugh to see how stupid they are, also the irony of a bunch of whores calling women they can't have whores... But they keep their distance (most of the time), so it works.

    5. It's so funny... They are so funny if you will know them closer :) With me the exact same story, it looks like they don't have any fantasy ;) Also, they call me with different names and also the story behind me is that I am sleeping with every man on the island, sometimes with many of them at one time :) and I am very poor, having no money, so they warn each other to stay away from me, and I am very glad for that. All this only because I didn't want to pay for them anything. I am not wanted :) But good for me, I am very thankful for it. I don't have any idea what they are telling to their fresh white victims about me because all those white women look at me with some kind of disrespect, just from the up. But they can :) It will come a day once when I will look at them from the top, because they will be on the knees, crying, having nothing in the life anymore. Maasais will eat them until nothing will left. But I can't help those women, they would never trust me and they would not listen to me. They have to go through their own personal hell alone.

    6. Really funny, I wonder where they get these ideas of sleeping with several men at the same time, that's probably what they do so they project... They are also very afraid of mzungu women sticking together (just like they do), do that's why they are talking BS to other women, to make us distrust each other. Some of them were telling me about this and this woman that they are bad because they talk a lot, I said, really, so someone who is telling the truth and trying to save other people from doing some mistakes is a bad person?! Mzungu protecting other mzungu is bad, but you protect each other no matter what, even the worst of the worst, even rapists and murderers, and tell each other everything about anyone, but we cannot do the same?! They really have so much nerve and audacity, and in all honesty if we would stick together as much as they do, their games would never work.

    7. Yes exactly ! If we would stuck together as they do, they would lose in advance. The only reason why they are winning is not that they are so good and so capable but because we are not together as a white women. That's the only reason. If we would only fight against Maasais - we would win easily, they would have no chance to play their games with us. But we have to fight against other white women, not against Maasais and of course - then it's not easy to win.

      Exactly this I was asking them and my mind stopped to work. They told me about some woman - pointing the finger on her - they told me she is a bad person. So I though maybe she killed someone or maybe she stole money or something. So I asked them what she did when she is a bad person. And they told me - she was trying to warn other mzungus about beachboys. So I asked them again - that's why she is a bad person ? Because she is trying to protect "her people" ? That's why ??? YES, THAT'S WHY. Oh God.. You are protecting each other at Zanzibar whatever what - you are taking the murderers and thieves out of the prison - knowing they were doing the crimes and is that ok ? You are good men for protecting your people whatever what and she is the bad person for doing the same ??? Why you have all the right to protect own people and we don't have ? Of course these questions was too much for their intelligence so nothing how they could react, only they smiled at me with a very flat expression of silly person and that's all. But this is who they are. They ALWAYS have two meters to measure the behavior of people. One meter is for them - for Maasais and other meter is for another people who are out of the Maasais tribe. But they seriously see the white women who are trying to protect other white women as bad people, despite the fact the Maasais are doing exactly the same. We call this "hypocrisy" and this is who Maasais men are: cowards and hypocrites

    8. They have a lot of hypocrisy and double standards, whatever applies to them never applies to other people, especially to women (because women are not people, actually). Everything they do is fine, but if we do the same we are bad people treating them unfairly (because the only fair treatment is to sleep with them and give them all your money, of course :)), and be grateful for such an amazing opportunity).

    9. I am laughing now :)))))))))))) as you wrote it :))) but yes, EXACTLY :) they are so funny.. it looks like joke, like very funny story, but this is exactly what they think and in what they believe. The only fair way how to treat them is to fuck with them and send them money each time they will ask (what will be each day).. so yes, it's the only fair way how to treat them. But you have to be quiet about it, psssst, you have to pretend that actually you didn't give them any money and they are so strong and great men - they earn all by themselves. :) with honest skills, knowledge.. etc. Just funny guys with the minds of the primitives. We can't expect too much

    10. I'm also laughing now, but to be honest it took a while until I understood all this and had a lot of disappointment and stress, also lost a lot of money with fake friends and mind games, just because I had never seen anything like it before. I mean I lived all over the world since early childhood so I was always sensitive to culturally differences, but this kind of fuckery I could have never imagined... But as they say, better late than never, hopefully more and more people (women) will wake up and face reality.

    11. Same here with me.. It took me a lot of time and I lost a lot of money, going through countless disappointments until I fully understood who Maasais are and what is their game about. And why it took me a lot of time ? Just because despite I was traveling, meeting people from different culture, never ever I haven't seen anything like this. Never I met as rotten community of people as Maasais are. I just didn't know something like this is possible (so mean people in the coats of angels) that's why I didn't know anything , I didn't count with the reality in any way. But they pushed me to believe in years, they forced me to understand who they are. Once you are closer to them, they don't hide anymore and you will see all. It's only hard to admit that it can be really as bad as it looks like to be. So now it's funny but years ago, I was crying in my bed not once and I was not able to understand how they can do this (not only to me, but to all others around). But thanks to this page and FB group, more and more women will understand their dirty game and their dirty souls in advance.

  3. It's a good thing we can laugh now, I also cried many times since I started to understand the truth, not because of romantic problems, but because I was trying to help and I thought I had a chance, especially for the children in the village. This is what makes me sad to this day, that they are destroying their children's future with their lies and their greed. I thought I had many friends and we were working together for the good of the community, it was very difficult to come to terms with the ugly truth, a lot of tears and sleepless nights and thinking maybe I'm crazy...
    Even now I'm still thinking about the children and what I could have done better, but you cannot get to the children without involving the adults, and I cannot deal with them anymore. :(

    1. I was trying to help them for years. Then I gave it up. They only were laughing behind my back for all my effort. Of course that didn't tell me that I can go to the hell with all the help if I will not give them the cash to the hands or if I will not buy them at least 10 cows. They don't understand what help means, they only see money and money is driving their life. Only money and nothing more. More time I spent there, more vomit I wanted. The men in the bush don't know how many children they have, even they don't know the names of all of them, they don't have any idea how many grandchildren they have, but they know EXACTLY how many goats and cows they have, so sick culture. I gave it up years ago, now I am really surprised that someone wrote this blog where finally everyone can see the real information about Masai. About their true face. Now people can save a lot of money, energy and years of effort or they can help somewhere where it's not senseless.. You can't do anything for Maasai children. They are growing up in sick and rotten environment, brainwashed by elders, who love money more than anything ! It will not lead to any happy-end. And their children are their only income of money they have... Daughters will be sold for cows and sons will be sent to Zanzibar - to chase naive tourists. Masai know basic math, they can count. Hundreds of dollars and few thousands tanzanian shillings, they understand it's a big difference. The serious and honest job is not welcomed anymore in the family, they need beachboys because they never have enough. With normal job they could get in the best case 1/10 of money which beachboys can get. Nobody will be happy in the bush to see the son in normal honest job. You are the hero in the bush not because you are a good man but because you will bring home as much money as possible. And this is not going to change. Not yet. Maasais will not allow their children to go out of the slavery system in the bush, you can be sure about that. They use children as they use everyone else. No chance to win, forget about them. If you want to help, there are many cultures around the world very different as Maasai who will appreciate your help in honest way and where the help will have the real sense. Just try to find them and you can help. With Maasais - don't do it. They don't need your help, they only need your money.

  4. It makes me feel better to read all this, even if it's so bad (and sad), but at least now I see I'm not crazy and I'm not the one with the problem... Investing so much time, energy, emotions and money for nothing, because it's never enough and like you said these people don't want to improve their community and their future, they just care about material possessions and showing off to other Maasais. Every sign of kindness and desire to help are interpreted as "another stupid mzungu we can use" (while probably laughing behind her back). The culture is corrupted and sadly they can't escape it. I thought I could do something to help women and children, but every one of them is successfully brainwashed since childhood so unfortunately there is nothing to be done.

    1. no, you are not crazy, don't worry ;) The experience with them simply cannot be different. And it will end always where it will end, whatever you will do. The most absurd thing is that they even don't feel so much to enjoy all the things they will get from naive mzungus, they care more to show it to other Maasais. How rich they are. In the bush - there is a crazy competition in having money or cows. It looks like those things or money itself are not such important than the prestige in the tribe. So whatever what - they have to show up how successful they are. Success in the bush today means - use as many stupid mzungus you can. To help to women and children is also not possible, however we would try to hope in something else, also women and children are the part of that society which is forming them daily, from day they were born until death. How toxic the maasai men are - everyone needs to understand very quickly. They are really very toxic people, mean, cruel and heartless but then when you realize it, you will start to feel sorry for women and children and you will start to help them (men are lost in that tribe - no chance to do anything).. But after effort you will invest to women and children in the intention to help them - you will understand they are the same, also women and children - they are not better people as men. Only women are not visible bad. You have to be more focused to see that. With men it's very easy - also blind person has to see, but women are covert evils but still evils ;) (in relationship to a white person).. They don't love you more than men, they disrespect us in the same way only in hidden form. Men cannot hide that much, especially elders in the tribe, they will not hide anything. Of course beachboys need to hide , otherwise their business would be in danger, facing unsuccess but elders don't need to. So go to the bush, spend time with elders (men) and you will see how beautiful warm people they are :) (these cruel men are then rising up their son in exactly same way).. But with women they really act EACH TIME the love to you, which doesn't exists. And children ? :) Children also can't act so much as beachboys so when you will listen to them carefully and you will observe their face - you will also see how they can see you. How should they see you when their parents and older siblings are telling them since beginning - this is stupid white woman and she is here only to be used. I don't know, I really came to the conclusion after years spending with Maasai that they are lost without any exception. ;( I didn't want to give up but no way. I had to.


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