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This blog was not created by intention to change beachboys or to stop them. 

This blog was created TO CHANGE THE MIND OF WHITE WOMEN who wrongly think they are helping to beachboys by sending them money for nothing.

Women who still don't understand what is happening in the bush feel that they are helping the Maasai community by sending them money for free, without any effort. Nothing is further from the truth. In the fact, these women, who support beachboys with money, don't help them at all. Instead of helping, they slowly destroy the whole Maasai  culture and their people in a very direct way. In reality, WHITE PEOPLE are the ones (especially white women) who are responsible for the decline of Maasai culture, we all can be the witnesses of it.


  • EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN - the most important way is to educate them. If you want to help them, invest your money to education. Pay for them good schools, teach them how to be responsible for themselves and also for others. How to be independent in way of thinking and in way of earning money. Increase their chance to have success in their own country, they need to be powerful. They need have their own life in their own hands. Education will help them to reach all their goals, to change all their dreams to reality.

  • SUPPORT OF WOMEN - Support the women in tribe as much as possible. Give them work opportunity, or find the way how to teach them some kind of simple craft. Teach them how to earn money. Teach them how to be human with all human rights, support them as much as possible to find their own power. Then men will be not able to make any tricks in front of their eyes easily and women will not have to be a part of the crimes of their men anymore. But we have to warn you. To change women will be not easy, because life the women live, they want to live. They don't want to work, they don't want to study, all they really want is to be a maasai wife, having husband and having many children. You only can help someone who wants you to help. With women you could be wrong, they are happy in position as they are. Then we have to let them be like that, it's their decision, their culture and their own happiness. 

Beachboys are already lost. Nobody can change them, it's too late. They have already started with "easy money" without any responsibility for their crimes. To change them is not possible also because their own ego will take them down, never will let them to grow. Very big problem for them is also lag of serious education.

Children is the way and also the future. Stop to support beachboys in their crimes and support children instead. Only they can change the future and turn it to be worthy of God's love again.


  1. Thank you so much that there were people who once again make it public. really it depends on us white women. if we stop giving and helping. but still there will be some grandmother who wants to buy it for her pleasures. Now it has gone to the masses and there is nothing shameful in this for them. They used to hide, but now everything is open.

    1. Thank you so much for blogging girls! How I needed this information years ago! Needed like air! I would not have lost so much time on empty people, I would have bought a car with the money asked by the Masai, and most importantly, I would not have had health problems due to constant stress. Your work is priceless! Just know it! You help so many girls not to go far with these guys. Unfortunately, in social networks, many European women in love sing of love for the Masai, while in 100% of cases they play the role of an ATM, but they themselves think that they are doing charity work and discover their superpowers for life. In fact, these are the same victims of the Maasai as the rest, but as long as the ATM works, the girl will be entertained. Good luck everyone, take care of yourself!

    2. I don't have much to talk about but please don't have personal hatred towards people of the same tribe because I'm in Zanzibar, the hatred here is big, the Zanzibarians hate people from mainland Tanzania, especially those who are easily recognized as Maasai, even if they know their goodness must be tempered with personal hatred, the important thing is that you don't judge a person who without guilt might even think that it is good for you, there should not be too much propaganda here, every copy of identifying a bad and a good person

  2. if those who know all and still will continue - its their responsibility and nobody can help them. but maybe those who don't know about reality, will learn something from this posts here. Thank you sharing all, all is the truth, many many people know all this, especially those who are living at Zanzibar in long-term

  3. Thank you for this blog.

    I recently fell into the trap but realized it in time and got off with a black eye.

    Now I‘m having an idea to spread this really helpful information.
    How can I get in contact with you?


  4. Thanks you so much for this sharing!! I think there are really too much white women that don’t know the truth!! But it would be nice have a list of name of these masai guys!! I met them and I think not all are bad and cheater guys!

    1. List of the name is not good idea... For now we are not thinking about publishing the faces here, but there will be special and private facebook group, you're welcome to join it, there we can share also faces.. but not here, not now.. it's little bit tricky with faces....we (5 of us) as authors of this blog can only share "our" beachboys, their faces because we are sure with them, with our experiences, with their crimes... but with maasais we even don't know..we are still discussing this but we do not yet have a consensus on this topic. Not now. Not here... but Let's see...

      and other thing.. yes, not all are bad, that's why we were doing this blog... how to recognize THOSE BAD easily.. but of course those on the beach - it's important to be careful with those who are jobless on the beach.. they are not there to catching sun... they are there to catch mzungus.

      Even this - catching mzungus - is not the crime, we can understand this without any problem. The crime if when they LIE, when they DON'T HAVE ENOUGH, when they behave terrible to those who were helping them... this exactly we don't like and this is what all beachboys are doing... yes, you can meet very nice Maasai but probably not on the beach. Normal maasais are working to get money, not walking the beaches whole days. In this blog you can find many information, how you can really recognize them, so try ! ;)

  5. Yes, I think so too, if there is anyone you are sure of, you should share the name and photo. This is the only way to actually recognize the cheater. Like people share photos on crime alerts Zanzibar group. To say all on beach are criminals is not right. Also as it's not right to say their just Masai, thre are also local cheaters on the island and probably even more of them.

    1. we don't mentioned others than maasais because we don't have any experiences with them and also no information about them - all their background. We only know maasais, because some of us were married for them, some of us were living in the bush for couple of the time and we understood already why they are doing what they are doing, where is the reason .. about others, we don't know. this is personal blog about experiences with maasais from the beaches... if you have experiences with others, just make own blog about this issue and share your experiences and warn others in this way. This is special blog about beachboys from Maasai tribe. Not about maasais... About beachboys only. Personally for me is not good feeling to write that all maasais on the beach are the same but.. unfortunately - I only have bad experiences with them.. not with one, not with two, not with three.. problem is, Maasais are cheating a lot of women... they don't have limits and they are doing it not in hidden way... they are doing it very visible. Everyone can see that. All those on the beach have only one goal - find white woman, ask money from her. That's it. Try to think.. what they are doing on the beaches.. Maasais don't like to swim... they really don't like water. They are black enough so to be on the beach to catch good color for the skin - also this will be not the reason... so once again, ask yourself - what they are doing there, each single day from morning until evening ? What ? If you have an explanation let us know, maybe we can change our minds.

    2. and faces with names - for now we will share it only in the private facebook group... if someone is interested to know exactly faces, welcome. But really, face is not important that much, read this blog and be careful when you will meet maasai who will try to tell you about LOVE to you . .. maybe he really loves you but before you will make biggest mistake in your life - read this blog and observe your boyfriend... if you will find on his behavior something written here - just run away ;) if not - it's ok - congratulation.. you found someone who is not beachboy in the way of acting... marry him and I wish you all good, honestly. Good luck. This blog has to warn people or press people to be careful. With information you will have bigger chance to make good decision.. but finally - that decision will be just yours. Nobody can press anyone... we are not pressing people to do anything... we only share information and own - personal experiences.

    3. Many Masai are there to sell their jewellery so they can support their families on the mainland. I married one of this so called beach Masai and we are happily married now for 3 years. I have many friends in Jambiani who are good decent Masai so I am quite disconcerted about what you are reporting

  6. Can you share the group, I may have just one Masai I can warn women about. I don't know more of them. And to be sure of his lies I hope to find anybody else who might know him.

    1. once the group will be finished, we will share it. It will be private group to share personal experiences

  7. everyone who is saying that not all on the beach are like this are only denying reality. they can be so nice that you maybe don‘t believe, but it‘s the truth and this is fact. there are women living there who see it with their own eyes and as tourist for being there for maybe 2 weeks you can not know what all of the year is happening there. most of the time the most nice guys are the most cruel. also if you don‘t believe ;-)

    1. You are correct , even the new ones that plan to go there for business are trained to get mzungus , they have organized meeting where they are teached what to do and how to behave. They spend money in Voodoo doctor looking for posions to conquer ladies , the one making thr most money is the Voodoo Doctor.

    2. I have watched "Sakawa " movie about this . But I fell into the trap of thinking that it is only in Ghana. Can not be on Zanzibar.

  8. Thanks a lot for your blog. Of course perhaps a few white women come to Zanzibar for casual sex, but the majority do come for sex. Whether it is casual or meaningful is secondary. And these are all old women. Not young white women. Old women who target beachboys, and lure them with money.

    1. So why are here just young women complaining and non of the old?

    2. unfortunately from my experiences 50 % of women are older and 50 % are very young... nothing like only old women are cheated by maasais idiots.. .no woman can be safe in front of them. They don't care how old are you, they are cheating all women.. and also that most of women is coming to zanzibar for sex.. me personaly I don't know any. JUST ANY who came for sex... they came for holiday, knowing anything what is going to happen , how lied and manipulated by stupid beachboys criminals they will be. ....

    3. most of old women will never complain like this.... because old women cannot loose their black lovers, without them - they would have probably no sex for rest of their life... only young women who has also other possibilities how to fuck can complain like this, so I think the autors of these blog are young women.. Old women will never want to loose their lovers... never. They will rather pay them. This blog is written by young ladies who were cheated and abused by maasais beachboys

    4. While the women themselves divide themselves into categories, into young and old, into beautiful and not beautiful, into fat and thin - Masai beachboys at this time laugh in your face, mock, deceive and manipulate your feelings. It's a standard beechboy tale. They say that to all the girls to divide us. They say "you are not like that, you are different, you are young and I like/love you. And older women come and buy the Masai, what is the Masai to do"? )))))) These are all lies to justify their actions. The attitude towards absolutely all women in beachboys is only consumer. There is no love there. Show me at least one couple where the beachboy became a partner in life, and not on the maintenance of his wife, or ran away after 2-5 years home to the bush ...

    5. no example like that . I don't know any example of beachboy and white women, where beachboy would by supportive for her. no single one example.. maasais use us and that' all..if they cannot use anymore, they run away, that's end of the fairy tale

    6. I know one example. They’re happy together since many years and he’s very supportive. But I also know that this doesn’t happen often and know also very different stories.

    7. Haha, old women don't need Massai to teach them how to make love. Old women can find everywhere men for sex if they want. Prejustices...Clean your mind. All men and women abusing each other too in offices, politics, families whereever.... Allow it or refuse.

  9. No, it is old women complaining. Not young women. Show us your pictures to prove you're young.

    1. what are you talking about ? Young, old, yellow, pink, red, fat, slim, ugly, beautiful, all women are victims of maasai beachboys, because they don't care how old you are... and yes, of course, they will show you their picture... also the videos from the idiot, obviously..

  10. The pictures are on the front page of this blog

    1. Those are generic photos. I ran a reverse image check on google.

  11. It is a mistake to assume that only older women are used. I know so many girls aged 22-37 who have been deceived by the Maasai. From some, through the manipulation of their feelings, they received large sums of money. This is 3000 and 5000 euros.

    For others, a different role was chosen - the mother of a Masai child. These girls may not even be asked for money until the birth of a child (but you can be sure that they will definitely ask for it later). But in order for the girl to believe in the sincerity of the feelings of the beachboy, the guy can buy bracelets and other jewelry, can pay for dinners, drinks, in the Masai village they can hold a Masai wedding ceremony or its imitation.))) Beachboy start asking for money after the birth of the child, when the child’s connection with father and his family is already real.
    A child is like a bank deposit for 20 years. Such a child will pay interest for the rest of his life. After all, these are his blood relatives and "they are so poor and so in need of help" ...))))

    I hope all those involved have read "White Masai"? It is the book that conveys the atmosphere of the couple's relationship and the surrounding world of a white woman.

  12. White Masai is a book that makes the Masai look bad. She should have understood the man's culture before agreeing to settle down with him and his people. She went there, and saw herself as some kind of White Savior.

    1. like seriously ? book White Masai makes the Masai look bad ? wow.. I think, what makes the Masai look bad is their terrible behavior and crimes, they are doing on the beach :) their reputation how they are stealing money also when they are working as security, many people have terrible experiences with them, at work as security they stole money and run away to Tanzania and they are so stupid they even don't know this reputation of thieves and cheaters will spread out, will be not hidden. And also on the beaches, they are even not trying to hide their crimes they are doing there. so the book White Masai has nothing to do with their terrible reputation and image. Their frauds are doing that "bad name" not any book.

    2. I agree with your point! Also I think the subject is more complicated. If you care and have interest you can contact me for further discussion

  13. The child is grown, the dream is gone, I have become comfortably numb. This is from a Pink Floyd song that nicely concludes the situation with grown women.
    Exactly, comfortably numb is the benefit of elder over the young. You girls seem to have found a competition here that you can't beat with your looks and this seems to be an annoyance for you, why you keep accusing elder women. Your Masai are becoming to prefer us over you and there is a good reason. We can afford them, we don't have an illusion of love anymore, romance or just company is quite enough, many even don't need sex, so it's just a bonus. And for Masai also, relationship with elder is actually in balance. Both can enjoy the act without too many expectations and the exchange of energy is actually fair. Instead of accusing elder women you should learn from them, respect them and look at them as your own future. What we do and how we spend our money is nobody elses business, we are independent and free in our choices 😊

    1. So if here's any Masai who can read English and likes my comment, leave a contact, I would like to have a friend Masai with whom I can write in English and get to know you better. For me the problem with most of you is just the lack of reading and writing ability.

    2. I'm not sure if there is any hope that some Maasai could come until here, finding all these comments. I don't think so because Maasais are so lazy, they are even lazy to read (also those who know how to read). I doubt that Maasai will be able to read even one article from this blog, it would exhaust him to his death. But if you write to us by e-mail, we will be happy to provide you some contact information for Maasai beachboy. We know plenty of them and we have a lot of contacts. We will easily choose a suitable adept who will rob you, take you all your money and when you will have nothing to give him anymore, he will friendly kick your ass. Just write an email to and we will give you contact to some beautiful Maasai beachboy who will show you a balance you have never seen before :) Feel free and write to us !

    3. Well , if your life is about having to pay a Maasai in order to have sex and have don’t care about love , thats your life , but you are encouraging prostitution and there are those that do care about love and being treated bad and cheated on with many other ones and spreading venereal diseases.

  14. Dear rich woman,
    thank you for admitting for being the root cause of the situation, but your 'independent money' attitude is causing lots of unhappiness for other people.

    Yes, you might have excess money, because you're either retired or you maybe had a rich husband who passed away and now you're rich and lonely. Young women cannot compete with that because thy might have loans and debts or some are still studying.

    There is no competition, a maasai would pick a young women over an old any time. They don't like your company, only your money, but you seem to be ok with that.
    In the end, what do you wish to teach us, would you teach your daughters to live 'numb' lives too, as you state it? This is just very sad.

    1. The youngest woman from us is 22 years old. And the most oldest from us is 45. So, you are on wrong address if you think this blog is written by old women. It's not. Maasais are losers, who cannot give anything to anyone. Who are cheated young ladies in the same way as those who are old. The problem for them is not being old. The problem is to being woman and to being white. And we all are women and white... So, that's why all this problem is happening. Maasais don't like us however old we are. For them the age is only number, what is important how much we will give them, this is the only question. So please stop to write all those comments about war between old and young women. This is war between maasais men and mzungu women.

    2. Is not the rich only or the old !! This is an organized mafia , trained to delivery and show fake love.I hear here about can happen anywhere broken relationships , yes it happens but not like the maasai do it , is an organized crime not only in Tanzania as well as Kenya .

    3. Yes is an organized crime, they are trained by the organizations how to hunt for woman and many believe in Voodoo ( Witchcraft) to go and find spell to trap this woman. Why is it that a Maasai when it mets you want to give you a gift ? 🤪🤪🤪🤪

  15. I am not replying to you who own the blog, I am talking to the woman above who talks that we should all learn from her instead as seeing her as competition. I agree with everything you wrote. But we are not all the same, some obviously see no problem in all this. At the same time not all maasai men are same. But you all mentioned this in your blog.

  16. Oh thank you, this lady's comment made me sad and angry at the same time, I am 46 years old and I can confirm a lot of these descriptions.However , i have never heard of robbery or violence, nor have i experienced it myself. I feel really sorry for this women.
    Obviously this lady has an aging problem or why is she trying to compete with younger ones? That is really not thems of this blog.
    So what can you learn from a lady like that?
    As you get older, do you have to pay for attention and affection???
    If she needs that,it says a lot about her confidence and self-esteem.
    Of course she can spend her money on whatever she wants, but that's not something to be passed on to younger women!!!
    I know some of of these guys,and if she's looking to get in touch with them to share her money,i have a little hint.
    A lot of them have Instagram accounts, look for those with the most self producing pictures.
    Just write to them, they will be happy about a new wallet.
    Have fun with this experience!

  17. I am bit shocked about this blog …. Like if we were doing this in Europe when we are being disappointed with a relationship … this can happen everywhere … being hurt .. I know a lot of Maasais I also was with one and I never felt as you described and I would never use the adjectives you use to describe them.. I keep peace and happiness , community and generosity from the Maasais I have met , and also in their village. I thinks it’s too drastic to put all of them in the same basket, they are learning how to behave with European girls, they can be clumsy in their way of talking but I really don’t believe they are as evil as you say.

    1. Believe ! :) you only weren't enough time with them or you are paying all. But they are EVILS, even more terrible as this blog describes them :) wait for that knowledge, it will come soon... :) for sure.

    2. Some women still did not understand what this is all about. Also in Europe you can face dispointment from relationship? OMG, what a revolutionary thought :)) Of course you can, but.. White men who are doing bad things are individual cases. THEY ARE NOT ORGANIZED WITH AN EVIDENT INTENTION - how to rob white women. So no, in this case there is no disappointment in the relationship ;) Maasais beachboys HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU. You have a relationship with them, but they definitely have no relationship with you. You are just businesscase. Those who rob women in Europe are lonely individuals who act on their own. The Maasai beachboys are organized, it's REAL MAFIA with everything, a group of criminals who do not have any job and their only income is from white women. These are not individual people who cheat someone here and there. How many women (in Europe) are caught and abused by members of the organized MAFIA, try to guess. Probably not too many.

      This is an organisation whose main purpose is to rob women. Nothing more. They are trained in fraud and manipulation used against women only. They are professionals who do nothing else, this is their main job. Daily work routine. You will not find such a group of people in Europe that would fully devote themselves only to this. You can find someone who does this, but not the whole mafia. So the fact that you may be disappointed in your relationship in Europe, certainly yes, but it has nothing to do with the situation with the Maasai beachboys in Zazibar.

  18. You are right, being disappointed in a relationship is everywhere in the world, people lie and cheat everywhere.But lying , cheating, faking love and pretending to want to build a future together just to get money is tricking and this is criminal and will be prosecuted in Europe. It's certainly not easy to prove,since you do everything voluntarily.
    I wouldn't put all of them under general suspicion either, but these stories are true.
    Maybe you are the lucky one who did'nt run into one of those guys who ask for money for medicine,phone,hospital,cattle, motorcycle......
    Keep your good memories and stay safe

    1. Some women still did not understand what this is all about. Also in Europe you can face dispointment from relationship? OMG, what a revolutionary thought :)) Of course you can, but.. White men who are doing bad things are individual cases. THEY ARE NOT ORGANIZED WITH AN EVIDENT INTENTION - how to rob white women. So no, in this case there is no disappointment in the relationship ;) Maasais beachboys HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU. You have a relationship with them, but they definitely have no relationship with you. You are just businesscase. Those who rob women in Europe are lonely individuals who act on their own. The Maasai beachboys are organized, it's REAL MAFIA with everything, a group of criminals who do not have any job and their only income is from white women. These are not individual people who cheat someone here and there. How many women (in Europe) are caught and abused by members of the organized MAFIA, try to guess. Probably not too many.

      This is an organisation whose main purpose is to rob women. Nothing more. They are trained in fraud and manipulation used against women only. They are professionals who do nothing else, this is their main job. Daily work routine. You will not find such a group of people in Europe that would fully devote themselves only to this. You can find someone who does this, but not the whole mafia. So the fact that you may be disappointed in your relationship in Europe, certainly yes, but it has nothing to do with the situation with the Maasai beachboys in Zazibar.

    2. Yes, yes you know that, i know that, but remember back to the time when everything started...
      If somebody would have told you at the time you were happy in love , were you be able and willing to believe this terrible things?
      It will take some time to realize and accept, but i am sure it starts working in their mind and that is all we can do.

    3. To be honest, I don't know.. .Now I think if I would have all these information, what happened to me would never happened to me :) but it's only an assumption.... of course I cannot know what would be if..... but yes, you are right, I agree, this all can be shock for those who don't know anything and it has to take some time to adapt , accept and to understand.

    4. There's no organization or mafia or crime. Masai are their own strongly connected society. There's different culture and one abused tribe in African society trying to stay alive. They don't want but they are forced to play by western rules and they have not much choice. You want them to obey your rules but dream on, they won't. This blog can only be warning women of the cultural difference, this could be good if it wasn't the silly way of accusing and labelling what makes it just a naive attempt of some immature girls to change the world because of their own bitterness. About Masai situation, their history and ways you really don't know nor understand and you lack the ability even to learn about something different than your own narrow minds.

    5. You seem to be still in an illusion or under the influence of these people. My experience and that of more than 10 European women I know personally is that this is a well organized group of scammers who cover for each other in order to get money and other resources from the mzungu. It doesn't have to be a girlfriend, it could be a friend or a couple.
      And if we talk about the violence of the Western world, then why does this concern the Maasai? 60 million Tanzanians, other countries in Africa and even poor countries in Europe, what is not an example for you? Why are you so selectively concerned about the Maasai? Every nation has a history. It is important what path of growth each nation has gone through and what it has today. The Maasai have a terrible, manual, paternalistic culture. The rules are set as you like for men in order to get money.
      I hope that everyone who defends the alleged "culture" of the Maasai has already done female circumcision for themselves, their daughters and sisters?

  19. This blog seems to be just a maffia of five bitter noches whose Masai left them for older women. And that's it. Anyone here who has some individual opinion here gets enormous amount of toxic words from the 5 creators of this blog, sitting here as watchdogs all the time and " creating content". Well, you see, there is no facts nor proof, just the oppinnion of the creators from their little heads and bitter minds . About Masai, their tradition and way of life you girls know nothing. Just wanted good sex? Well, there's price to everything in life fe. You are spoiled and arrogant, think with your western categories of thinking you rile the world. Well, think again. You re just making fools of yourself.

    1. Good sex with Maasais ? Don't joke please :-)))

    2. it's not any opinion, i's real experience and real own experience is fact or proof itself. Maasai will never leave any woman alone. Never. Each woman is money, if not today, then tomorrow.. until is there a chance to get 10 000 Tsh/month from her, he will never leave that woman. Rather to have 10 women at some time but to leave her ? Never. Who would be stupid to throw his wallet to the trash, also with money inside. Maybe we don't know way of Maasais life somewhere in the bush, but we know their lifestyle at Zanzibar and it's enough.

    3. "Maybe we don't know way of Maasais life somewhere in the bush, but we know their lifestyle at Zanzibar and it's enough" OMG :))))) your really so stupid. For starters learn that Masai live in the bush. They come to look for luck to Zanzibar the same way like you. You live somewhere in Russia probably. You don't own Zanzibar. As a matter of fact the island is owned by Muslim now ant that's the root of most of the decay happening there, try changing that maybe :))) and soon the island is also full of Chinese so your problem there is just starting, Masai are the least of it. Better get along with them, they might be your only hope at some point.

    4. at zanzibar they are not in the bush. There is no maasai bush in Zanzibar. And no, nobody is coming to Zanzibar only to find someone to whom is possible to use and then kick to ass. Anything like "same way like you", not everyone is cheater, liar and coward. Yes, white people don't own Zanzibar in the same way as Maasais don't own Zanzibar . Zanzibar is owned by Muslims and maybe, you can go to random police station to ask there, how Zanzibari love Maasais. How they respect them. Every Zanzibari will tell you who maasais are and what they are doing on island (mostly), why they are coming there... everyone from locals will tell you the all those people from Zanzibar are so out of reality that they don't like Maasais without ANY reason ? Really ? They don't like them just for a fun ? Why someone doesn't like so beautiful people, peaceful, never lying, never cheating, never manipulating other only to get dirty money ? So , answer ! Why ? As you told already, Maasais are not home there.. so.. whatever they are living in Tanzanian bush, in Zanzibar, they are guests, they should adapt and change the behavior, forget on animal life style there and be normal at least a little bit. Nobody at Zanzibar needs to know about bush lifestyle.. They are guests there, just visitors, in the same way as white people

    5. I am not a blog creator or an author, but I have many years of personal experience and can fully confirm everything that the blog authors write. Everything is just like that. This is reality without romanticism, simple and tough. For several years I have known many girls who met with the Masai or even were their wives with an official wedding, but the end of all stories is the same - give me money or goodbye, I found another with money. My acquaintances are 27-37 years old, and all were involved in this game of scammers. If you have personal experience, please share it. While you are in general terms trying to blame the authors and deny reality. We would love to know your experience with the Masai.

  20. Whatever you want from them then. Love? I don't care. Find love from your own kind if you can't overcome cultural difference. Why's that so many of you come to look for it in Africa then disappointed and start complaining about others. Learn of your own mistake and quit. Yet you start looking for next Masai. Why? What's it about them that you need to change them or elder white women just that you can have your Masai? Elder don't complain so let them have the Masai you say are so bad. Probably you want too much by your criteria and the Masai don't love you for what you are. They are pulygamous and that you can't change by complaining. You can't meet their needs, start demanding things to be by your requirements that's why love ends. Just take a look to one example of many
    and stop labelling anything you can't compete with as sex tourism. That's rather what you're doing yourself and demand you should be loved during this also.

    1. Yes, cultural difference. That's so even if you can't understand it. Also who are you to define love here? Who demand you to give money? You did it of your own, had some hopes that didn't work out and now are bitter because lost money and the illusion of love. Too bad. Learn from that! But to claim there's no other way of communicating with Masai than yours it's just so silly!

    2. If you want to point to the "maasai travel" website, maybe you should read all the articles. She, with the support of her Maasai husband, shared a similar view as this site.

    3. Yes, creators of this blog, white women living in Zanzibar, should read this and think deeply where did they go wrong. This blog isn't similar to the article at all.

    4. creators of this blog were beaten, raped, robbed, cheated and lied by maasais beachboys, after giving them love, money, support and trust. so please, don't tell them to think deeply where did they go wrong.

  21. Why must Masai play fair by your criteria? They live by their criteria and knowing about their way and situation it's even too fair towards western world. They never will be white men, you have to accept it and if you can't deal with it then just don't, find white men for yourself. But to draw conclusion about the whole tribe, for that you are way too stupid.

    1. they don't need to play by our criteria... they can live and play by their criteria for sure, only other people need to know about that. Other people need to know how is their criteria and then they can decide if they want to play with them the game by their criteria or not.

    2. Wow.
      That is, the criteria by which the entire world community lives are not for the Maasai. Criteria such as deceit, fraud, violence are crimes for any people, and in your probably expert opinion, the Maasai should not comply with these criteria? Or should not be observed precisely with white people? )))) You are talking nonsense. The Maasai live among other people, not in closed space.
      And yes, of course the Maasai in their current form will not become white people. White people, in order to have something, work 365 days a year, have several professions and everyone knows how to work both with their hands and with their heads. The Maasai all want the latest phones, laptops, TVs, solar panels, brick houses, and they don't want to do anything. From the word ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. They do not want to work. They do not learn simple professions to earn with their own hands. If for you the norm is fraud, deceit, hidden prostitution and you have never worked, and have not tried to learn a profession, then I can understand your comment. Otherwise, you are still under the hypnosis of beautiful appearance, clothes and beads. It will pass when you get a little deeper into the topic.

    3. Maasais are tribe who have kept their tradition. They don't want to live modern life but they are forced to adapt something because they are becoming victims of genocide. Every beachboy wants to go home, likes to live their tradition. They don't want to emigrate but they are forced to. That's why they don't adapt. It's not their way but they have no choice.

  22. Everything on this blog is too true to be ignored. What I find surprising is how easy it is for them to ask for stuff, like we're some cash machines. Try not giving, they don't like it. White women work hard for their money, try showing some respect. Also, if you think he's loyal to you, dream on. Someone also mentioned pleasure above, pleasure for a woman doesn't exist for them.

  23. Hey.... Guys so called Mzungu's I'm a MAASAI boy ... first of all I congratulate these five women who wrote this blog for the purpose of sharing their either bad or good experience from maasai beachboy guys who said to be lier and money orientated rather love as the way they appear on the first da... very sorry for the situation because I can feel how this hurts .. but if I'm honesty I'm not a beachboy, I'm working for myself.. what I realised is that the author wrote the blog when she was very sad, also I don't say that maasai are perfect in love so they can't lie, but don't use a small number of uncultured people who are there to to burn our good reputation....but also this behaviour is on all sides because some white come here and beg maasai to fuck them for a lot of money and bad enough some men also sometimes buying Maasai or other people here to fuck their partners because they are not able to satisfy them..BUT NOT TRUE that all or many Maasai are engaging in this shit to get money from white, because in savannah where we're living currently there is high inter-marrage between maasai and white and they enjoy there existence.... also Not TRUE THAT WE ARE LAZY AND WE DON'T KNOW HOW READ some they don't.... so what happened to these five women is bad luck as well as in any other people.... so don't accuse us like we're the source of matrimonial conflict... if you want to know about Maasai people and it's good culture give me your contact then I will open you in the love and welcome in savannah.. Academic continuation research..

    1. Thank you for reaction. If you are not a beachboy, this blog is not about you. It's about those who are hunting women, not with goal to love them, but to get their money. This is what we don't like and what we don't want to accept. If beachboys want to continue, they can, but people will know. We feel sorry for maasais, who are trying to live good life. But don't blame us. Beachboys doing crimes are shame for whole tribe and it's not "small number of uncultured people", it's big number, because it's everyone on the beach. We are trying to find good beachboy, but always the same story, the same lies, the same ending. And we can loose a lot. Not only money. Maasais cheater can really ruin our life. We are just trying to avoid this situation to happen.

      Everyone in the bush knows who is a beachboys and from where he has money. But nobody complains. Nobody will tell you the truth. They know you are 3rd mzungu in his bed in last 4 weeks and nobody will tell you. They know beachboy is married but nobody will tell you. Biggest cheaters are for people the biggest heroes. Why?

      You need to change those who are doing crimes on the beach in visible way and in huge numbers. Reputation of maasais is bad not because of mzungus, but because of beachboys. White women have also the right to protect each other. We are doing only that. In world of social media, to hide crime which affects a lot of people, will be not possible.

      You are wrong when you said "but this behavior is on all sides "... white women are not taking maasais all money and run away. This is what mzungus are not doing. This behavior is not on both of side. Mzungu cannot ruin life of Maasai, no chance. Maasai can ruin the life of white woman easily. It's different situation. Mzungu cannot ruin the life of any maasai in Africa and this never happened. How many lifes of white women maasais already destroyed ? Many. It's not the same.

      Mzungu coming for sex. If maasai want to be a prostitute, to use his body - he can. He will have many chances. But not this game with real feelings, with love and with trust. Prostitutes don't need to lie. Here is my body, here is my price. Easy. Nothing complicated and nobody will complain, everyone knows the rules of the game and everyone can decide by his own. In our situation only Maasai beachboy knows the rules of the game. His rules only.

      Marriage between maasais beachboy and mzungu is possible, but mzungu needs to pay all. Once she will stop to pay, just wait what will happen then. If still they will enjoy existence together. Maasais are lazy, they never work...WHY? You have two hands, then WHY. Why you cannot make bed and sell it, or chair and sell it, why other can and maasais cannot do anything ? They have hands from gold or what?

      This didn't happen to 5 women. It happened to hundreds of women. Nothing like 5 women.. 5 women created this blog, but how many women were cheated by maasais beachboys, for sure it was not 5. You can write us on this email:

      White women can only change themselves , but they cannot change beachboys. And we are not angry. We are mostly out of this issue for a long time already. We are sad and disappointed because before we loved maasais and their culture. Beachboys are those who showed us and who were teaching us, how terrible people maasais beachboys are. They showed us unrespect to a women not only at Zanzibar, but also at home. I want to believe, it's tiny group of people. But because everyone knows them and cover their crimes, then each person is involved. If you know the criminal, and you support him and respect him, then you are involved in that crime also, despite the fact you are not beachboy. Try to stop them or eliminate that big numbers of cheated women. You can see them drunk, smoking marihuana, cigarettes, making mess on disco. Blame them for it. Don't blame us. Everyone has the chance to decide to be a good person and don't hurt the others.

    2. Dear MAASAI! Thank you for showing up here and for your courage to express your thoughts in a place like this. I must say I dont like the tone of this blog. For me it is even rassistic and not polite to read. I prefer the writing in the style of
      But there is a problem with beachboys more than just a fiew, this cannot be denied. So I would like to ask you some questions and if you dont like to answer here anymore, then my contact is I would really like to hear the views of real Maasai in this topic.
      My experience with beacboy was very unexpected. When you say there are women who ask for sex and offer money then I am not interested in sex at all, I am interested in native cultures. The beachboy he got my contact for next day reef tour and already next evening sent me love messages that are silly to believe. He begged to come for a walk at night, took me to the shadow and started kissing. I refused ofcause, but he was still very sweet and make me laugh so we remained friends. After I got home got many lovemessages, but nothing he could write about love, just nakupenda sana, miss you, love you, want to be with you forever. Thats it. Grown ups dont call this love. How about Maasai, can it be so simple with you that you meet somebody a couple of times and you already believe you love her truly and can say you want to spend whole life together? If not, then can you admit that the problem is not because of women asking sex but beachboys coming to Zanzibar for easy money? I can say this, because my friend very soon started having very many troubles and begging for money. For me it was very big surprise because I did think before that the Maasai never beg. Yes, he didnt ask me directly but his discriptions were so heartbraking that many will find hard not to help. And this I must say is lying with manipulation because honest man will ask and accept the answer, is it yes or no, but this Maasai goes on and on with stories of many troubles and this is not manly at all. To almost weep to a woman. Warriors should protect their beloved women, am I right?
      So my question is first, how do real Maasai love, is it serious and from the heart, is just meeting a girl enough to decide you love her for ever or is it not important at all, you just choose a lady that looks useful and take her? What do you think, is it possible my friend really loves me and I should start saving him, because I know Maasai can be very poor and get in trouble paying hospital bills or something similar unexpected. Or is it possible that i am a victime of money scam and there really is a problem with beachboy? If so then I also want to ask, are your elders aware of the problem and what do they think? Is every family just happy to get money this way or do your elders ask the warriors not to make you look bad and change their ways? This kind of behaviour is in my mind really shameful for the whole Maasai peope.

    3. Hello Masai boy! If you are honest then I am sorry if this blog offended you. I also care for Masai culture and it makes me sad how the beach boys now ruin it. But you are wrong to say it is a problem of muzungu. No. It is a problem of the whole Masai community and it is you who must do something about it. Because it is not a small number who cheat money from white people. Even not only the Masais. I see a lot of racism in Africa and blaming the western world for all your problems. It is 50/50 right and wrong so no need to blame others. You must stand for yourself honestly and ask for help honestly not lying about problem or asking more money. Even if muzungu goes to police or finds African lawyer she meets corruption and all African just ask for big money like white people are walking wallets. We are all humans in this world, don't blame because of skin color but act honestly. And the beach boys problem your community has to deal with. It is very important for your whole culture because now the situation is very bad already. With Masais the situation is most dangerous because it's in your culture to have many women, the polygamy. The culture is ok, but you can't lie about it, you must remain honest. To tell white women that you have no wife when you really have because you think you can't get a white woman to your bed if you are honest - this is wrong and this is acting like coward. Morani should not be cowards and liers but respectful. Find all your gigolos, you know them all because the Morani bring riches to the community and you all welcome them to rob the muzungu, that is a big problem in your culture that you raid the olmeg and for long time the god is angry to the Masais for that. You get your gigolos to the meeting and make the elders understand they have to pay for their crimes because you have big curse on your tribe unless they don't.

  24. They want mzungu to pay for the wedding?! Would he ever expect a maasai woman to pay for a wedding?! This is ridiculous but true, I know some who married a maasai, but by observing them, they don't seem to be very happy.

  25. I found a link to this blog today while reading comments to the post on one cheated women in Zanzibar Residents group on FB. The post is already gone, someone has deleted it. And I started wondering, why don't you advertise this blog everywhere and all the time? The truth must be said and must reach as many audience as possible. That is crucial. Please try to find a way to spread it more aggressively as it seems there are many parties who wish to cover up such stories. Women coming to Zanzibar on holiday should know what they will be facing. The rest is their decision.

  26. So, when will you open Facebook group, that you have mentioned earlier in comments? We need a place to share information, experience and warnings.

  27. Hey Ladies,
    I have a serious question to ask - maybe this helps me to understand the problem better. What exactly is it that you think you fall in love with a Massai or a beach boy? Because quite interesting is that the main aim for a white male is to have sex … this is what we call sex tourism (very old and established since over 40 years - especially in Kenya) … but I hardly ever heard that a white male was robbed blind by a black female.

    However it seems to be very common that white female fall in love with a black male (of any kind) and believes it’s the love of their life.

    But how come that generally speaking (exemptions confirm the rule) female are not understanding that this is a commercial business while male do understand this very well.

    Can you explain me - because maybe if we find the source of it - help would be easier to provide.

    And generally speaking - everywhere in the world- if a human brain is trained to receive money without effort or work - a human brain will identify this “not doing anything” with a source of income. In the nature it would be - if you feed a lion without him/ her hunting - it will never hunt again … because there is no reason. I hope you understand where I come from

    1. No actually, your logic is too simplyfied for corresponding to real life. 1. Men and women are different genders, they act, feel, love, even digest different, can't be compared the way you try to. 2. Where do you take that men don't get robbed? More than women for sure. Maybe just white men prefer asian not African and women the other way round. Men go to Thailand etc. and they understand nothing until wrapped around the poor girls whole family fingers
      3. Acting love takes a lot of energy and effort, try once! Compared to that many western office workers do nothing. The question is not of the effort but on fraud.
      4. This actually is a hunt that they do, not feeding any lion without hunt. Maasai hunt professionally, that's why they succeed even without education or any other ability, even the sex ain't that good, but they know the act and that's why women fall. White men think too much ch of themselves, can't admire femininity, can't express their feelings openly, most women need that so the market is so in demand of gigolos services. Also white men think they deserve beauty queens or maids, who don't succeed home go to Asia.
      I could go on, it's much too complicated subject to even try to simplify it to the level of blaming the victim like you do, that's the easiest, but way too wrong understanding

    2. Just ask yourself why Jane fell for Tarzan or even this woman for King Kong. You think imperial mind, woman soul feels still like creature of nature. Bcha Mama, Mother Earth .... We don't love your money and wars, white man!

  28. Hi all, is there a chance to get some of the Beachboys names? It would be really good to know to avoid further fraud. Can i tell you a name too and you tell me if someone knows him? After I read your amazing articles I felt super stupid to be probably another victim.

  29. Hi all,
    Thank you for this informativ blog.
    How can I get link for your telegraf group?

  30. Wow, this is just wow!! I even don’t know what to reply here,
    I’m still reading and I will come back to write more.

    I’m a young Masai lady, leaves in Europe I’m educated and open minded, I never know that the behavior of my Maasai people in Zanzibar it’s in this much level, of course I had a few stories, but not like this ones,
    I feel sorry and shameful.!

    Really I want to help in anyway.

  31. Not everyone on the beach is a bad guy, I have met some nice Maasais that I talked to, learned things about their culture and struggles and so on, and they didn't want to sell anything or ask for phone numbers or whatever.
    But as a white young woman travelling alone you will meet lots and lots of them, and you will receive so much attention that it can become overwhelming and stressful - many of them will tell you they love you after seeing you one time, or assume you want a boyfriend or sex just because you are being nice and polite.
    Some of them are very open with the fact that they want to marry a white woman, but unfortunately I have met some Maasais married to white women that were in their countries and while they were away the husbands were extremely friendly with other women...
    And then there are also some of them who are psychopaths, and you definitely need to stay away (if you go to Paje, in Zanzibar, beware of Samata or something like this, he really is one of the worst kind).
    I think maybe a good way to spot a decent Maasai might be to see if they are friends with white expats living in Zanzibar, especially women - they generally know what is happening on their side of the island...
    Anyway, always be cautious and be very careful with any new friends - there is a lot of poverty and struggle in Africa, so sometime people are desperate to get some money and many of them think all mzungus are very rich (and compared to them maybe we are). This is not just Maasais, but other Africans as well, including women.
    I still have some friends that I keep in touch with but I've also had my share of bad experiences, so we should all exercise some prudence.

    1. If you mean the same Samata that i know, at first i have to say you can meet him everywhere on the island not only Paje.I know him and for sure he has a lot and i mean really a lot of white girls,sometimes at the same time, but for me he is an open book, just open your eyes!! He is absolutely easy to read,but not a Psychopath.,I would say there are guys, they are playing Mr.Niceguy and they are more dangerous

    2. yes of course, Samata is visible beachboy, almost doesn't play who is him and if yes, then only very short time, in his case the "red flags" are very visible, only open the eyes... but many of them are very visible, despite it, they are able to fish mzungu. I really can't understand this, HOW. Some of them even cannot have good sex with anyone, and still they have many mzungus. Why? I will never understand , it has to be just a black magic :) Very black.

    3. I met Mr nice guy. What do you know about them, how are they dangerous? I mean they all say they are not married and they are poor and they have many big problems. They all want money from us. So every woman can decide if she gives them money and every woman can understand that if you give money you will never get it back. Also it is the truth that they all are married and have children at home because this is their tradition to marry young and to have many children. No Masai is honest about that to muzungu. This they all lie. But for many women who want just lovers this is no problem and sure for them this is no problem to have many wives and lovers. They all like to have sex and this is all they can offer you for your money. But how is nice Masai more dangerous?

    4. I also met some nice guys, but yes the problem is 99% of them lie about having wives and children, and even if it's not serious, maybe some women don't want to have sex or any kind of relationship with married men, even if it's just a vacation fling.
      For them it's not a problem since they have this polygamic mindset, but it's not fair to lie because you want to trick women into having sex with you.
      Also offering sex in exchange for money is a bit of a logical contortion when they chase even the women who do not want to have sex with them... Speaking from personal experience, it was extremely difficult to make them understand I didn't want to sleep with them - if you say as much as hello, or smile, or happen to dance next to them at a party they will immediately assume you want them :)).
      Of course everyone is free to decide if and how they want to engage, but keep in mind most of them are having sex whenever possible with whomever they can, and unfortunately probably with no protection, so there are a lot of STDs being passed around, including AIDS...

  32. That is my problem as well, I don't understand how some of them are able to get women... They are barely able to speak a word of English, are not particularly handsome, intelligent, funny or anything else, and you see them with women who are clearly in a completely different league! And sometimes these women find out the truth and then you see them with another Maasai of the same sort. Mind boggling...
    I never believed in magic or witchcraft or whatever, but after seeing how this keeps happening I'm starting to think there might be some truth to it, because there is no rational explanation for this.

    1. Yes, exactly. Here the same question. HOW ? I saw many times, women on completely different level, beautiful, educated, smart, rich, intelligent and then beachboys who hardly can speak, who has very limited thinking (I mean VERY limited), liar, thief, criminal, abusive, not handsome at all, not good in sex, asking money whole the time, making frauds, cheating. My question is also WHY. I never believed in Black Magic, which doctor or something but since I saw this issue (mzungu - beachboy) in Zanzibar, I really believe in that. It can be only magic, nothing else. There is no other explanation. Many white women lost everything what they ever had. For a beachboy who doesn't have any idea what is love, respect, tolerance or appreciation. These guys just weren't growing up in these values, that's why nobody can really expect that.


  33. Let me tell you something guys, Love is blind we all know that. There's nothing like black magic.
    You were born and raised in Europe it's typically different from where you came to find a new love, probably a hopeless place.

    In your childhood, you had a boyfriend, you met in both love and level. The level means a lot here, like the same thinking capacity, the same dimensions on things, and life goals.

    You came to Africa, you met a new love out of blindness, exactly knowing you two coming from two very different levels of life, two different thinking capacities, two different life goals, and two different cultures or beliefs.

    Do you think, love only can keep you two forever? Do you think your body satisfaction can validate your blindness for a lifetime? The answer is NO!

    Sorry for my bad English, I'm trying hard, I'm a Maasai too.
    100% of open relationships between Maasai guys and white women we see on social media are faked, they are not happy at all, they act happy just to get viewers engaged and keep it looking good outside but inside there are a lot of struggles.

    Establishing love is one thing, which is actually automatic, we all fall in love maybe being out of control, out of lust of the flesh, or whatever... but keeping it into motion to last is another thing; It's a struggle, yes it is.
    WHERE ARE WE FAILING? We failing to create the SAME LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING so we can create EQUAL LOVE. You met uneducated guy, never knows what's really love means, struggling for food, lying as a habit of survival, always dreaming to sleep on those five stars hotels, immature and yet you expecting things to be the same as your old love in Europe/America/Oceania etc. Nothing can be offered to you apart from sex which is sometimes rough too.

    It can't be the same, it can't be the same because your life goals, things, perceptions, optimism, enthusiasm, and passion are typically different. Very different and equality cannot be created by love only. Too bad, there's NO SHORTCUT.

    WHAT TO DO? When LOVE is automatically created, try to create a new MINDSET to your partner. Build your partner. NEVER GIVE MONEY, NEVER SHOW YOUR MONEY, NEVER CELEBRATE HIM AS AN ACHIEVEMENT, NEVER TAKE HIM FOR A DRINK, NEVER ASK THEIR PROBLEMS, NEVER BE COMPASSIONATE, COORDINATE WITH YOUR BRAIN IN EVERYWHERE YOUR HEART TAKES YOU until you are satisfied that you two are in the same level of understanding, thinking, and you two can look love from the same direction.

    Create the LEVEL by educating your partner, especially formal education send him to school and follow to know if he is really going, create a manner so he can understand the value of money, not just be a spender. Let him know that all you have doesn't come from the sky, there was a lot of struggles in the past. Let him know and understand that he did not meet an angel or a miracle from heaven, you are a human and he can be like you if he's ready to learn.
    Make him a mature man, not just a beach boy. You can do this by trying to ask him 'unnecessary' advices, listen to him and change him slowly. WIN HIM but don't take a man role, be a wise woman. You will thank me later.

    Yes, it's hard work but you can't be on the same perceptions if you can't do that. Birds of the feather flock together.

    1. Very true, love is never enough, not even with people from the same culture... Which is why relationships can fail and do fail so many times, no matter the background of the people involved.
      As for building the man up, in theory it may sound good, in practice it's probably impossible most of the time unfortunately.

  34. P.S.: what you are saying is true, but I think there is also magic involved in many cases, because you cannot convince me a young, beautiful, educated rich woman wants to spend her money, time, energy and everything on a man who has nothing to offer and is treating her badly...

    1. I was almost sure about black magic in maasai tribe as a reason why these mean and cruel people are so successful ... But then I started to study psychology and after all my knowledge about toxic relationship, mental abuse and manipulation I think there is no black magic behind this story. Only simple psychology and our traumas and injuries from the past. Especially from the childhood. It's not about being young or beautiful or educated. or rich. We all have some kind of past. We all were faces pain, many of us were hurt already, it's a connection. Not black magic. Many women were treating like that by own parents and we are looking for what we know already, for example. Etc. I don't believe in any blackmagic in the bush, these terrible psychopatic people only found the way how to manipulate us.

    2. There's no magic, you can ba sure of that! They are just too exotic for us so women get motherly instincts. And there's their upbringing that makes them selfish narcissist who behave very well. The tradition how to rize a man, a morning, it is textbook riding a psychopath. The only magic there is is only for them. They truly believe that they are handsome, strong, unresistable, good in bed, better than others. But this belief of them has its psychological effects on women. Stockholm syndrome.


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